Exclude Nonbrand in Shopping

Exclude non-branded search terms in branded Shopping ad groups. This script works for one or more products per ad group and with multiple brands.

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Exclude Nonbrand in Shopping
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When building the Google Shopping campaigns, a split between branded traffic and non-branded traffic is often chosen. The statistics of branded campaigns are often more positive than non-branded campaigns and to optimize bids, it is advisable to make this split into accounts.

By using the prioritization in Shopping campaigns, non-branded search terms enter the campaign with the highest priority. In this campaign, branded search terms are excluded, so that you now have a branded and a non-branded campaign.


Although in theory a nice structure of the campaign structure, in practice it always appears that this is not watertight. Despite the proper setting of the priorities and exclusions, we will receive non-branded search terms in the branded campaigns. This is annoying for account optimization, because there is now too high a bid for non-branded search terms. The only solution is to exclude all non-branded terms in the brand campaigns. Because this can take a lot of time if you do this manually, we have automated this process with the script below.

How it works

This scripts works for different campaign structures. To use this script, the tree structure in an ad group must be broken down to product level. The script examines for each ad group which product groups are contained therein, collects the brand names of these product groups and then compares them with the search terms in the ad groups. Does none of the brand names appear in the search terms? Then the search term is excluded.

To make sure all brandnames are found, the brandname will be split if existing out of multiple words. Each separate word will be checked in the query. You can also enable the check for acronyms.


To run this script properly, you don't have to set much:

  • LOG: Specify whether the script should report the intermediate steps, by adjusting the value to 'true'.
  • MERCHANT_ID: The ID of your Merchant Center account. The user running the script in Google Ads, needs to be added as a user in Merchant Center. Also, enable the advanced API 'Shopping Content' in the script (find the button 'Advanced API's on the right top).
  • TARGET_COUNTRY: Only select products from GMC for a specific country. Leave blank if you don't want to use this.
  • LABEL_ADGROUPS: To keep track of script progress, all ad groups are tagged when they are checked.
  • FILTER_CAMPAIGN_NAME: Use this filter to select branded campaigns only based on the campaign name.
  • USE_MPN: Set to true if you want to use the MPN as a branded keyword.
  • USE_EAN: Set to true if you want to use the EAN as a branded keyword.
  • USE_ACRONYMS: To use acronyms as brandname, set to true. Otherwise set to false
  • BRAND_MAPPING_SHEET_URL: Optionally, use a spreadsheet for brand typo's or different languages
  • BRAND_MAPPING_SHEET_NAME: When using the spreadsheet, set the sheetname

Frequency: Schedule this script to run hourly.

The script
// Copyright 2024
// Free to use or alter for everyone. A mention would be nice ;-)
// Created By: Tibbe van Asten
// Created: 21-03-2019
// Last update: 24-01-2024
// With this script you can exclude non-branded queries 
// from branded shopping campaigns. The brand is taken from the Merchant Center.
// By doing this every day, the accountstructure will remain clean.

var config = {
  LOG : true,  
  // Connect Merchant Center. Add user to MC that runs this script.
  // Also enable Advanced API 'Shopping Content'.
  MERCHANT_ID : “123456789”,
  // Label all checked adgroups.
  LABEL_ADGROUPS : "Non Brand Excluded",
  // Select only your branded campaigns by campaignname.
  FILTER_CAMPAIGN_NAME : “campaignname example”,
  // If you want to use MPN or EAN as branded keywords, set to true.
  USE_MPN : false,
  USE_EAN : false,
  // If you don't want to use acronyms as brandname, set to false.
  USE_ACRONYMS : false,
  // Optionally, use a spreadsheet for brand typo's or different languages.
  // Copy the following sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fAxCYsksEljl71LljDzk4jkfBtSTg2ur1zyGnvXOU1E/copy
  // Leave empty when you don't want to use this.


function main() {
  var labelId = checkLabel();  
  var values = connectSheet();
  var products = connectMerchant();
  var adGroupIterator = selectAdgroups(labelId);  
    if(config.LOG === true){
      Logger.log("Products collected from Merchant Center");
      Logger.log("Connected Brand Mapping Sheet");
      Logger.log("Selected adgroups to check");
      Logger.log(" ");
  // When all adgroups are checked, all labels will be removed to start again
  if(adGroupIterator.totalNumEntities() == 0) {
      var adGroupIterator = AdsApp
        .withCondition("ad_group.labels CONTAINS ANY ('customers/"+AdsApp.currentAccount().getCustomerId().replace(/-/g, '')+"/labels/"+labelId+"')")
        .withCondition("campaign.name = '"+config.FILTER_CAMPAIGN_NAME+"'")
        .withCondition("campaign.status = ENABLED")
      while(adGroupIterator.hasNext()) {
    	  var adGroup = adGroupIterator.next(); 
    var adGroup = adGroupIterator.next(); 
      if(config.LOG === true){
        Logger.log("Selected " + adGroup.getName());
    var brands = [];
    var brands = selectBrands(adGroup, products, brands, values);
    if(brands.length > 0){
      var keywordCount = 0;
      // Select queries within this adgroup
      var rows = AdsApp.search(
        "SELECT search_term_view.search_term " +
        "FROM search_term_view " +
        "WHERE search_term_view.ad_group = 'customers/"+AdsApp.currentAccount().getCustomerId().replace(/-/g, '')+"/adGroups/"+adGroup.getId()+"' " +
        "AND segments.date DURING LAST_30_DAYS"
        if(config.LOG === true){
          Logger.log(" ");
          Logger.log("Search Terms: " + rows.totalNumEntities());

      while (rows.hasNext()) {
        let row = rows.next();
        var query = trimQuery(row.searchTermView.searchTerm);

        // This variable will define if a query is excluded or not. If false, the query will
        // be excluded. If set to true, we will keep the query.
        var match = false;

        for(var i = 0;i < brands.length;i++){

          var brandSplitLength = brands[i].replace("'", " ").replace("-", " ").replace("&", "").replace("  ", " ").split(" ").length;
          var brandSplit = brands[i].replace("'", " ").replace("-", " ").replace("&", "").replace("  ", " ").split(" ");

          // It's possible that parts of a brandname are present in a query.
          // In that case, we will treat the query as branded
          if(brandSplitLength > 1) {
            for (var x = 0; x < brandSplit.length; x++) {  

                if((query.indexOf(brandSplit[x]) > -1 || query.indexOf(brandSplit[x].replace("é", "e")) > -1) && brandSplit[x].match(/[a-z]/g).length > 1){
                  var match = true;

          // After looking at parts of the brandname, we want to know if the brandname
          // is present or the brandname without numbers or spaces is present in the query.
          if(match === false && (query.indexOf(brands[i]) > 1  || query.indexOf(brandSplit) > -1)) {
            var match = true;
          // The last thing we'll check, is acronyms. Like th for Tommy Hilfiger or hb for Hugo Boss
          // These therms will also not be excluded
          if(match === false && brandSplitLength > 1 && config.USE_ACRONYMS === true){
            var acronym = brands[i].match(/\b(\w)/g).join('').toLowerCase();
            if(query.indexOf(acronym) > -1){
              var match = true;              

        } // brandsIterator
        // If no match is found in the query, we will exclude the query from the adgroup
        if(match === false){
          if(keywordCount == 0){
            if(config.LOG === true){
              Logger.log(" ");
              Logger.log("Campaign: " + adGroup.getCampaign().getName() + ", Adgroup: " + adGroup.getName());
          } keywordCount++;

          Logger.log("EXCLUDED: " + query + " in " + adGroup.getName());                                                                                                                                                                

      } // rowIterator
    } // if brands exist
    if(config.LOG === true){
      Logger.log("Label added to " + adGroup.getName());
    if(config.LOG === true){
      Logger.log(" ");
  } // adGroupIterator
  Logger.log(" ");
  Logger.log("Thanks for using this custom script by Tibbe van Asten. Winning!");
} // function main()


function connectSheet(){

  if(config.BRAND_MAPPING_SHEET_URL != "" && config.BRAND_MAPPING_SHEET_NAME != ""){
    // Connect to the spreadsheet
    var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(config.BRAND_MAPPING_SHEET_URL);
    var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(config.BRAND_MAPPING_SHEET_NAME);
    var range = sheet.getDataRange();
    var values = range.getValues();
  return values;
} // connectSheet()


function connectMerchant(){
    if(config.MERCHANT == "123456789"){
      throw Error("Change the Merchant ID in the settings");
  var pageToken;
  var pageNum = 1;
  var maxResults = 250;
  var products = [];

  do {

    var productList = ShoppingContent.Products.list(config.MERCHANT_ID, {
      pageToken: pageToken,
      maxResults: maxResults,
    if (productList.resources) {
      for (var i = 0; i < productList.resources.length; i++) {
        // We'll focus only on products that are in stock.
        if(productList.resources[i]["availability"] == "in stock"){

    pageToken = productList.nextPageToken;
  } while (pageToken);
  return products;
} // function connectMerchant


function selectAdgroups(labelId){
    if(config.FILTER_CAMPAIGN_NAME == ""){
      var adGroupIterator = AdsApp
        .withCondition("ad_group.status = ENABLED")
        .withCondition("campaign.status = ENABLED")        
        .withCondition("ad_group.labels CONTAINS NONE ('customers/"+AdsApp.currentAccount().getCustomerId().replace(/-/g, '')+"/labels/"+labelId+"')")
    } else {
       var adGroupIterator = AdsApp
        .withCondition("ad_group.status = ENABLED")
        .withCondition("campaign.status = ENABLED")
        .withCondition("campaign.name = '"+config.FILTER_CAMPAIGN_NAME+"'")
        .withCondition("ad_group.labels CONTAINS NONE ('customers/"+AdsApp.currentAccount().getCustomerId().replace(/-/g, '')+"/labels/"+labelId+"')")
      Logger.log("Adgroups found: "+ adGroupIterator.totalNumEntities());
	return adGroupIterator;
} // function selectAdgroups()


function checkLabel(){
  if(config.LABEL_ADGROUPS !== "" && !AdsApp.labels().withCondition("label.name = '"+config.LABEL_ADGROUPS+"'").get().hasNext()) {
  if(config.LABEL_ADGROUPS !== "" && AdsApp.labels().withCondition("label.name = '"+config.LABEL_ADGROUPS+"'").get().hasNext()){
    var labelId = AdsApp.labels().withCondition("label.name = '"+config.LABEL_ADGROUPS+"'").get().next().getId();
  return labelId;
} // function checkLabel()


function selectBrands(adGroup, products, brands, values) {
  var productGroups = [];
  var productGroupIterator = adGroup
    .withCondition("PartitionType = UNIT")

    var productGroup = productGroupIterator.next();

    if(productGroup.isOtherCase() === false){
      var brand = checkValue(products, productGroup.getValue(), "brand") || ""; 
      var mpn = checkValue(products, productGroup.getValue(), "mpn") || "";  
      var gtin = checkValue(products, productGroup.getValue(), "gtin") || "";

        if(config.LOG === true){
          Logger.log("Selected product: " + productGroup.getValue() + ". Brand: " + brand); 

      // Only add new brands
      if(brands.indexOf(brand.toLowerCase()) < 0 && brand != ""){

          if(config.LOG === true){
            Logger.log("Added " + brand + " to brands"); 

      // Add MPN as branded keywords
      if(config.USE_MPN === true && brands.indexOf(mpn.toLowerCase()) < 0 && mpn != ""){

      // Add EAN as branded keywords
      if(config.USE_EAN === true && brands.indexOf(gtin.toLowerCase()) < 0 && gtin != ""){

      // Check sheet for additional brandname alternatives
      if(brand != "" && config.BRAND_MAPPING_SHEET_URL != "" && config.BRAND_MAPPING_SHEET_NAME != ""){      
        for(var i = 1;i < values.length;i++){
          if(values[i][0] == brand){
            for(var x = 1;x < values[i].length;x++){
              if(brands.indexOf(values[i][x].toLowerCase()) < 0){
            } // brandIterator
        } // sheetIterator      
      } // check brand mapping
    } // otherCase
  } // productGroupIterator
  return brands;
} // function selectBrands()


function checkValue(products, productId, field) {
  for (var i = 0; i < products.length; i++) {
    if(products[i]["offerId"] == productId || products[i]["offerId"] == productId.toUpperCase()){
      	var value = products[i][field];
    } // if statement

  } // for statement
  return value;
} // function checkValue()


function trimQuery(searchTerm){
  // When the searchquery exceeds the limit of 10 words, we will split
  // the query and put max. 10 words back together as a phrasematch query    	
  var query = "";
  if (searchTerm.split(" ").length < 10) {
    query = "[" + searchTerm + "]";
  } else {
    for (var i = 0; (i < searchTerm.split(" ").length) && (i < 10); i++){ 
      query += searchTerm.split(" ")[i] + " ";                 
    query = '"' + query.replace(/\s+$/,'') + '"';
  return query;
} // function trimQuery()
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