Report campaigns without impressions

Do you want to make sure that all your campaigns are still active? With this script you automatically receive an e-mail when a campaign has not generated any impressions the day before.

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Report campaigns without impressions
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When you manage multiple accounts, you do not always have time to check every day that all your campaigns are still active. Sometimes, for various reasons, campaigns may stop temporarily. To prevent this from happening after a few days, we have created a script that automatically alerts you. If a campaign has not generated any impressions the day before, you will receive an email at the email address you set.


In the config section of the script, you can adjust multiple values ​​as desired.

  • LOG: Change this to 'true' to see what exactly happened. Leave on 'false' when the script is really running, because that's faster.
  • EMAIL: Enter the e-mail address where you want to receive the notification. You can enter multiple email addresses by separating them with a comma.
  • EMAIL_INTRO: This is the message at the top of the email. This can be adjusted as desired.
  • EMAIL_SUBJECT: The subject of the email that will be send.
  • DATE_RANGE: Set the daterange for the period you want to check for impressions. TODAY by default.
  • COMPARE: Set to true, if you want to check if the campaigns had impressions before
  • COMPARE_DATERANGE: If compare is set to true, define the daterange you want to compare with.
  • ACCOUNT_LABEL: Use this to select specific accounts.
  • SEND_MAIL: Set to true to always receive an email, even if there are no campaigns without impressions.

MCC level

The following script can be used at MCC level, so that you have an overview of campaigns that are silent in 1 email. In the accountSelector, I filter all accounts that are labeled 'Active' in your MCC. If you do not want this, you can delete line 30 from the script.

Scheduling: Run this script 1x per day, preferably at the end of the morning.

The script
// Copyright 2024 
// Free to use or alter for everyone. A mention would be nice ;-)
// Created By: Tibbe van Asten
// for
// Created: 23-08-2018
// Last update: 02-01-2024 Fixed error, email only send when necessary
// With this script you keep track of impressions in campaigns.
// When a campaign didn't receive any impressions yesterday,
// the script will send an email.

var config = {
    LOG : true,
    EMAIL : "your@emailaddress",
    EMAIL_INTRO : "The following campaigns have no impressions today!<br />",
    EMAIL_SUBJECT : "WARNING: Campaigns without impressions",
    COMPARE : true,
    ACCOUNT_LABEL : "Active",
    // Change this to true if you always want an email, 
    // even if there are no campaigns without impressions.
    SEND_MAIL : true
  function main() {
    var emailContent = config.EMAIL_INTRO;
    var accountIterator = AdsManagerApp
        .withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS '"+config.ACCOUNT_LABEL+"'")
      var account =;;
      var emailContentTemp = '';
      var accountHeading = false;
      var campaignIterator = AdsApp
          .withCondition("campaign.status = ENABLED")
          .withCondition("metrics.impressions = 0")
          .withCondition("campaign.experiment_type = BASE")
        var campaign =; 
        // Only add campaigns with > 0 impressions previous period
        if(config.COMPARE === true){
          // Check for impressions previous period
          if(campaign.getStatsFor(config.COMPARE_DATERANGE).getImpressions() > 0){
            if(config.LOG === true){
              Logger.log("Campaign: " + campaign.getName());
            config.SEND_MAIL = true;
            accountHeading = true;
            emailContentTemp += campaign.getName() + "<br />";
        } // compare with previous period
        else {
          if(config.LOG === true){
            Logger.log("Campaign: " + campaign.getName());
          accountHeading = true;
          emailContentTemp += campaign.getName() + "<br />";
      } // campaignIterator
      var shoppingCampaignIterator = AdsApp
        .withCondition("campaign.status = ENABLED")
        .withCondition("metrics.impressions = 0")
        .withCondition("campaign.experiment_type = BASE")
        var campaign =;
        accountHeading = true;
        // Only add campaigns with > 0 impressions previous period
        if(config.COMPARE === true){
          // Check for impressions previous period
          if(campaign.getStatsFor(config.COMPARE_DATERANGE).getImpressions() > 0){
            if(config.LOG === true){
              Logger.log("Campaign: " + campaign.getName());
            config.SEND_MAIL = true;
            accountHeading = true;
            emailContentTemp += campaign.getName() + "<br />";
        } // compare with previous period
        else {
          if(config.LOG === true){
            Logger.log("Campaign: " + campaign.getName());
          accountHeading = true;
          emailContentTemp += campaign.getName() + "<br />";
      } // shoppingCampaignIterator
      var pmaxCampaignIterator = AdsApp
        .withCondition("campaign.status = ENABLED")
        .withCondition("metrics.impressions = 0")
        .withCondition("campaign.experiment_type = BASE")
        var campaign =;      
        // Only add campaigns with > 0 impressions previous period
        if(config.COMPARE === true){
          // Check for impressions previous period
          if(campaign.getStatsFor(config.COMPARE_DATERANGE).getImpressions() > 0){
            if(config.LOG === true){
              Logger.log("Campaign: " + campaign.getName());
            config.SEND_MAIL = true;
            accountHeading = true;
            emailContentTemp += campaign.getName() + "<br />";
        } // compare with previous period
        else {
          if(config.LOG === true){
            Logger.log("Campaign: " + campaign.getName());
          accountHeading = true;
          emailContentTemp += campaign.getName() + "<br />";
      } // pmaxCampaignIterator
      var videoCampaignIterator = AdsApp
        .withCondition("campaign.status = ENABLED")
        .withCondition("metrics.impressions = 0")
        .withCondition("campaign.experiment_type = BASE")

        var campaign =;

        // Only add campaigns with > 0 impressions previous period
        if(config.COMPARE === true){

          // Check for impressions previous period
          if(campaign.getStatsFor(config.COMPARE_DATERANGE).getImpressions() > 0){

            if(config.LOG === true){
              Logger.log("Campaign: " + campaign.getName());
            config.SEND_MAIL = true;
            accountHeading = true;
            emailContentTemp += campaign.getName() + "<br />";


        } // compare with previous period
        else {

          if(config.LOG === true){
            Logger.log("Campaign: " + campaign.getName());

          accountHeading = true;
          emailContentTemp += campaign.getName() + "<br />";


      } // videoCampaignIterator
      //Add accountname as heading in email
      if(accountHeading === true){
        emailContent += "<br /><b>" + account.getName() + "</b><br />" + emailContentTemp;
        if(config.LOG === true){
          Logger.log("Account: " + account.getName());
      if(config.LOG === true){
    } // accountIterator
    if(config.SEND_MAIL === true && emailContent != config.EMAIL_INTRO){
  } // function main
  function sendEmail(emailContent) {
        to: config.EMAIL,
        subject: config.EMAIL_SUBJECT,
        htmlBody: emailContent
  } // function sendEmail
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Tibbe van Asten Team Lead Performance Marketing
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