Account Performance Daily Update

Receive a daily update of your account performance by email. This way, you can start your day immediately.

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Wouter Naber has written a script that can notify you every morning and bring your up to speed on your account performance. The scripts makes a summary of the performance of the day before and compares that to the shortterm, midterm and longterm performance of your account. By highlighting these results, you can get started on optimizing your account right away.

The script comes with some minor tweaks of my own. For example, you can set your own timezone.


  • CONVERSION_NAME: The name of the conversion action in your account. The script collects statistics by name.
  • CONVERSION_MAIL: The name to give the conversion in the email.
  • MAIL_RECEIVERS: The emailaddresses that receive the update. Add multiple emailaddressen by separating them with a comma.
  • TIMEZONE: Define the timezone you're in.
The script
// Created by: Wouter Naber
// Changes by: Tibbe van Asten & Arjan Schoorl
// Created 09-08-2019
// Last update: 09-05-2022
// Receive a daily update of your account performance by email.

var config = {

  // The name of the conversion in Google Ads
  CONVERSION_NAME : "Transactie - GTM",

  // The name the conversion is given in the mail
  CONVERSION_MAIL : "purchases",

  // Emailaddresses the email is send to. Split multiple emailaddresses by comma.

  // Your timezone
  TIMEZONE : "Europe / Amsterdam"


Date.prototype.getWeek = function() {
  var onejan = new Date(this.getFullYear(),0,1);
  return Math.ceil((((this - onejan) / 86400000) + onejan.getDay()+1)/7);


function main() {

  var report =
     "SELECT AllConversions, ConversionTypeName " +
     "WHERE ConversionTypeName CONTAINS '"+ config.CONVERSION_NAME + "' " +
     "DURING LAST_30_DAYS");

  var rows = report.rows();

  while (rows.hasNext()) {
    var row =;

    if(row['AllConversions'].indexOf(",") > -1){
      var conv30 = row['AllConversions'].replace(/,/, '');
      var conv30f = Math.round(parseFloat(conv30));

    var conv30f = Math.round(parseFloat(row['AllConversions'].replace(/,/, '')));
    var convname = row['ConversionTypeName'];
    var cost30 = AdsApp.currentAccount().getStatsFor("LAST_30_DAYS").getCost();
    var cpa30 = Math.round(parseFloat(cost30 / conv30f) * 100) / 100;
    var conv30perday = Math.round(conv30f/30);

  } // rowIterator

  var report =
    "SELECT Clicks, Cost " +

  var rows = report.rows();

  while (rows.hasNext()) {
    var row =;

    var clicks30 = row['Clicks'];
    var cost30raw = row['Cost'];

    if(row['Cost'].indexOf(",") > -1){
      var cost30 = row['Cost'].replace(/,/, '');
      var cost30f = Math.round(parseFloat(cost30));
    } else {
      var cost30f = Math.round(parseFloat(row['Cost']));

    var cost30perday = Math.round(cost30f/30);

  } // rowIterator

  var report =
    "SELECT Clicks, Cost, Impressions, Ctr, AverageCpc, AveragePosition, SearchImpressionShare  " +

  var rows = report.rows();

  while (rows.hasNext()) {
    var row =;

    if(row['Clicks'].indexOf(",") > -1){
      var clicks7 = row['Clicks'].replace(/,/, '');
      var clicks7f = Math.round(parseFloat(clicks7));

    var clicks7f = Math.round(parseFloat(row['Clicks'].replace(/,/, '')));

    if(row['Impressions'].indexOf(",") > -1){
      var imp7 = row['Impressions'].replace(/,/, '');
      var imp7f = Math.round(parseFloat(imp7));

    var imp7f = Math.round(parseFloat(row['Impressions'].replace(/,/, '')));
    var ctr7f = parseFloat(row['Ctr']).toFixed(1);
    var AverageCpc7 = parseFloat(row['AverageCpc']).toFixed(1);
    var AveragePosition7f = parseFloat(row['AveragePosition']).toFixed(1);
    var SearchImpressionShare7f = parseFloat(row['SearchImpressionShare']).toFixed(0);

    if(row['Cost'].indexOf(",") > -1){
      var cost7 = row['Cost'].replace(/,/, '');
      var cost7f = Math.round(parseFloat(cost7));
    } else {
      var cost7f = Math.round(parseFloat(row['Cost']));

    var cost7perday = Math.round(cost7f/7);
    var clicks7perday = Math.round(clicks7f/7);

  } // rowIterator

  var report =
    "SELECT AllConversions, ConversionTypeName " +
    "WHERE ConversionTypeName CONTAINS '"+ config.CONVERSION_NAME + "' " +

  var rows = report.rows();

  while (rows.hasNext()) {
    var row =;

    if(row['AllConversions'].indexOf(",") > -1){
      var conv7 = row['AllConversions'].replace(/,/, '');
      var conv7f = Math.round(parseFloat(conv7));

    var conv7f = Math.round(parseFloat(row['AllConversions'].replace(/,/, '')));
    var convname = row['ConversionTypeName'];
    var cost7 = AdsApp.currentAccount().getStatsFor("LAST_7_DAYS").getCost();
    var cpa7 = Math.round(parseFloat(cost7 / conv7f) * 100)/100;
    var conv7perday = Math.round(conv7f/7);

  } // rowIterator

  // Last two days
  var MILLIS_PER_DAY = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
  var now = new Date();
  var yesterday = new Date(now.getTime() - MILLIS_PER_DAY);
  var daybeforeYesterday = new Date(yesterday.getTime() - MILLIS_PER_DAY);
  var daterange = Utilities.formatDate(daybeforeYesterday, config.TIMEZONE, 'yyyyMMdd') + "," + Utilities.formatDate(yesterday, config.TIMEZONE, 'yyyyMMdd');
  var getStatsFor_yesterday = Utilities.formatDate(yesterday, config.TIMEZONE, 'yyyyMMdd');
  var getStatsFor_daybeforeYesterday = Utilities.formatDate(daybeforeYesterday, config.TIMEZONE, 'yyyyMMdd');
  var dayofweek = now.getDay();

  var report =
    "SELECT Clicks, Cost " +
    "DURING " + daterange);

  var rows = report.rows();

  while (rows.hasNext()) {
    var row =;
    var clicks2 = row['Clicks'];

    if(row['Cost'].indexOf(",") > -1){
      var cost2 = row['Cost'].replace(/,/, '');
      var cost2f = Math.round(parseFloat(cost2));
    } else{
      var cost2f = Math.round(parseFloat(row['Cost']));

    var cost2perday = Math.round(cost2f/2);

  } // rowIterator

  var report =
    "SELECT AllConversions, ConversionTypeName " +
    "WHERE ConversionTypeName CONTAINS '"+ config.CONVERSION_NAME + "' " +
    "DURING " + daterange);

  var rows = report.rows();

  while (rows.hasNext()) {
    var row =;

    if(row['AllConversions'].indexOf(",") > -1){
      var conv2 = row['AllConversions'].replace(/,/, '');
      var conv2f = Math.round(parseFloat(conv2));

    var conv2f = Math.round(parseFloat(row['AllConversions'].replace(/,/, '')));
    var convname = row['ConversionTypeName'];
    var cost2 = AdsApp.currentAccount().getStatsFor(getStatsFor_daybeforeYesterday, getStatsFor_yesterday).getCost();
    var cpa2 = Math.round(parseFloat(cost2 / conv2f) *100) / 100;
    var conv2perday = Math.round(conv2f/2);

  } // rowIterator

  // Week over Week
  var MILLIS_PER_DAY = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
	var firstdaylastweek = new Date(now.getTime()  - (14 * MILLIS_PER_DAY));
	var samedaylastweek = new Date(now.getTime() - (8 * MILLIS_PER_DAY));
  var daybeforeYesterday = new Date(yesterday.getTime() - MILLIS_PER_DAY);
  var daterange1 = Utilities.formatDate(firstdaylastweek, config.TIMEZONE, 'yyyyMMdd') + "," + Utilities.formatDate(samedaylastweek, config.TIMEZONE, 'yyyyMMdd');

    Logger.log("samedaylastweek = " + Utilities.formatDate(samedaylastweek, config.TIMEZONE, 'yyyyMMdd'));
    Logger.log("firstdaylastweek = " + Utilities.formatDate(firstdaylastweek, config.TIMEZONE, 'yyyyMMdd') + "samedaylastweek = " + Utilities.formatDate(samedaylastweek, config.TIMEZONE, 'yyyyMMdd'));

  var report1 =
    "SELECT Clicks, Cost, Impressions, Ctr, AverageCpc, AveragePosition, SearchImpressionShare " +
    "DURING " + daterange1);

  var rows = report1.rows();

  while (rows.hasNext()) {
    var row =;

    if(row['Impressions'].indexOf(",") > -1){
      var wowimp7 = row['Impressions'].replace(/,/, '');
      var wowimp7f = Math.round(parseFloat(wowimp7));

    var wowimp7f = Math.round(parseFloat(row['Impressions'].replace(/,/, '')));
    var wowctr7f = parseFloat(row['Ctr']).toFixed(1);
    var wowAverageCpc7 = parseFloat(row['AverageCpc']).toFixed(1);
    var wowAveragePosition7f = parseFloat(row['AveragePosition']).toFixed(1);
    var wowSearchImpressionShare7f = parseFloat(row['SearchImpressionShare']).toFixed(0);

    if(row['Clicks'].indexOf(",") > -1){
      var wowclicks7 = row['Clicks'].replace(/,/, '');
      var wowclicks7f = Math.round(parseFloat(wowclicks7));

    var wowclicks7f = Math.round(parseFloat(row['Clicks'].replace(/,/, '')));

    if(row['Cost'].indexOf(",") > -1){
      var wowcost7 = row['Cost'].replace(/,/, '');
      var wowcost7f = Math.round(parseFloat(wowcost7));
    var wowcost7f = Math.round(parseFloat(row['Cost'].replace(/,/, '')));
    var wowcost7perday = Math.round(wowcost7f/7);
    var wowclicks7perday = Math.round(wowclicks7f/7);

  } // rowIterator

  var report1 =
    "SELECT AllConversions, ConversionTypeName " +
    "WHERE ConversionTypeName CONTAINS '"+ config.CONVERSION_NAME + "' " +
    "DURING " + daterange1);

  var rows = report1.rows();

  while (rows.hasNext()) {
    var row =;

    if(row['AllConversions'].indexOf(",") > -1){
    	var wowconv7 = row['AllConversions'].replace(/,/, '');
      var wowconv7f = Math.round(parseFloat(wowconv7));

    var wowconv7f = Math.round(parseFloat(row['AllConversions'].replace(/,/, '')));
  	var convname = row['ConversionTypeName'];
    var wowcost7 = AdsApp.currentAccount().getStatsFor(getStatsFor_daybeforeYesterday, getStatsFor_yesterday).getCost();
  	var wowcpa7 = Math.round(parseFloat(wowcost7 / wowconv7f) * 100) / 100;
    var wowconv7perday = Math.round(wowconv7f/7)

  } // rowIterator

  // All text fixes
  var cpatrendlong = Math.round(((cpa7 - cpa30) / cpa30)*100);
  var cpatrendshort = Math.round(((cpa2 - cpa7) / cpa7)*100);
  var costtrendlong = Math.round(((cost7perday - cost30perday) / cost30perday)*100);
  var costtrendshort = Math.round(((cost2perday - cost7perday) / cost7perday)*100);
  var convtrendlong = Math.round(((conv7perday - conv30perday) / conv30perday)*100);
  var convtrendshort = Math.round(((conv2perday - conv7perday) / conv7perday)*100);
  var wowconvtrend = Math.round(((conv7f - wowconv7f) / wowconv7f)*100);
  var wowclicktrend = Math.round(((clicks7f - wowclicks7f) / wowclicks7f)*100);
  var wowimptrend = Math.round(((imp7f - wowimp7f) / wowimp7f)*100);
  var wowctrtrend = Math.round(((ctr7f - wowctr7f) / wowctr7f)*100);
  var wowpostrend = Math.round(((AveragePosition7f - wowAveragePosition7f) / wowAveragePosition7f)*100);
  var wowsistrend = Math.round(((SearchImpressionShare7f - wowSearchImpressionShare7f) / wowSearchImpressionShare7f)*100);
  var wowcpctrend = Math.round(((AverageCpc7 - wowAverageCpc7) / wowAverageCpc7)*100);
  var wowcosttrend = Math.round(((cost7f - wowcost7f) / cost7f)*100);
  var wowcpatrend = Math.round(((conv7perday - wowconv7perday) / wowconv7perday)*100);

  var lastweek = samedaylastweek.getWeek() - 1;
  var thisweek = yesterday.getWeek() - 1;

  if(cpatrendlong > 0){
    var aftoecpatrendlong = 'increased';
    var aftoecpatrendlongcolor = 'red';
  } else {
    var aftoecpatrendlong = 'decreased';
    var aftoecpatrendlongcolor = 'green';

  if(cpatrendshort > 0){
    var aftoecpatrendshort = 'increased';
    var aftoecpatrendshortcolor = 'green';
  } else {
    var aftoecpatrendshort = 'decreased';
    var aftoecpatrendshortcolor = 'red';

  if(convtrendlong > 0){
    var aftoecpalong = 'increase';
    var aftoecpalongcolor = 'red';
    var hooglaagcpalongcolor = 'higher';
  } else {
    var aftoecpalonglong = 'decrease';
    var aftoecpalongcolor = 'green';
    var hooglaagcpalongcolor = 'lower';

  if(convtrendshort > 0){
    var aftoecpashort = 'increase';
    var aftoecpashortcolor = 'red';
    var hooglaagcpashortcolor = 'higher';
  } else {
    var aftoecpashort = 'decrease';
    var aftoecpashortcolor = 'green';
    var hooglaagcpashortcolor = 'lower';

  if(costtrendlong > 0){
    var aftoecosttrendlong = 'increased';
  } else {
    var aftoecosttrendlong = 'decreased';

  if(costtrendshort > 0){
    var aftoecosttrendshort = 'increased';
  } else {
    var aftoecosttrendshort = 'decreased';

  if(wowconvtrend > 0){
    var aftoewowconvtrend = 'increased';
    var aftoewowconvtrendcolor = 'green';
  } else {
    var aftoewowconvtrend = 'decreased';
    var aftoewowconvtrendcolor = 'red';
    wowconvtrend = wowconvtrend * -1;

  if(wowclicktrend > 0){
    var aftoewowclicktrend = 'increased';
    var aftoewowclicktrendcolor = 'green';
  } else {
    var aftoewowclicktrend = 'decreased';
    var aftoewowclicktrendcolor = 'red';
    wowclicktrend = wowclicktrend * -1;

  if(wowimptrend > 0){
    var aftoewowimptrend = 'increased';
    var aftoewowimptrendcolor = 'green';
  } else {
    var aftoewowimptrend = 'decreased';
    var aftoewowimptrendcolor = 'red';
    wowimptrend = wowimptrend * -1;

  if(wowctrtrend > 0){
    var aftoewowctrtrend = 'increased';
    var aftoewowctrtrendcolor = 'green';
  } else {
    var aftoewowctrtrend = 'decreased';
    var aftoewowctrtrendcolor = 'red';
    wowctrtrend = wowctrtrend * -1;

  if(wowpostrend > 0){
    var aftoewowpostrend = 'decreased';
    var aftoewowpostrendcolor = 'green';
    wowpostrend = wowpostrend * -1;
  } else {
    var aftoewowpostrend = 'increased';
    var aftoewowpostrendcolor = 'red';

  if(wowsistrend > 0){
    var aftoewowsistrend = 'increased';
    var aftoewowsistrendcolor = 'green';
  } else {
    var aftoewowsistrend = 'decreased';
    var aftoewowsistrendcolor = 'red';
    wowsistrend = wowsistrend * -1;

  if(wowcpctrend > 0){
    var aftoewowcpctrend = 'increased';
    var aftoewowcpctrendcolor = 'red';
  } else {
    var aftoewowcpctrend = 'decreased';
    var aftoewowcpctrendcolor = 'green';
    wowcpctrend = wowcpctrend * -1;

  if(wowcosttrend > 0){
    var aftoewowcosttrend = 'increased';
    var aftoewowcosttrendcolor = 'red';
  } else {
    var aftoewowcosttrend = 'decreased';
    var aftoewowcosttrendcolor = 'green';
    wowcosttrend = wowcosttrend * -1;

  if(wowcpatrend > 0){
    var aftoewowcpatrend = 'increased';
    var aftoewowcpatrendcolor = 'red';
  } else {
    var aftoewowcpatrend = 'decreased';
    var aftoewowcpatrendcolor = 'green';
    wowcpatrend = wowcpatrend * -1;

  if(dayofweek === 1.0){
    var headline2 = "<h3>Week "+ thisweek+ " vs Week " + lastweek + "</h3>";
  } else {
    var headline2 = "<h3>Last 7 days vs 7 days before that</h3>";

  var account = AdsApp.currentAccount().getName();

   to: '' + config.MAIL_RECEIVERS + '',
   subject:  "Daily Google Ads Report " + account,
   htmlBody: "<h2>Summary Google Ads "+ account +"</h2>The last two days <b>€" + cost2f + "</b> is spend (€" + cost2perday + " per day). With " + conv2f + " " + config.CONVERSION_MAIL + " as result ("+ conv2perday + " per day) with a CPA of <b>€" + cpa2 +
    "</b>. <br> The last 7 days <b>€" + cost7f + "</b> is spend (€" + cost7perday + " per day). With " + conv7f + " " + config.CONVERSION_MAIL + " as result ("+ conv7perday + " per day) with a CPA of <b>€" + cpa7 +
    "</b>. <br> The last 30 days <b>€" + cost30f + "</b> is spend (€" + cost30perday + " per day). With " + conv30f + " " + config.CONVERSION_MAIL + " as result ("+ conv30perday + " per day) with a CPA of <b>€" + cpa30 +
    "</b>. <br><br> The last 7 days the CPA <b><font color='"+ aftoecpatrendlongcolor + "'>" + aftoecpatrendlong + " by " + cpatrendlong + "%" +"</font></b>." +
    "<h3>Week "+ thisweek+ " vs Week " + lastweek + "</h3>" +
    "<ul>" +
    "<li>The " + config.CONVERSION_MAIL + " are <b><font color='"+ aftoewowconvtrendcolor + "'>" + aftoewowconvtrend + " by " + wowconvtrend + "%</font></b> " +" ("+ conv7f + " vs " + wowconv7f + ").</li>" +
    "<li>The clicks are <b><font color='"+ aftoewowclicktrendcolor + "'>" + aftoewowclicktrend + " by " + wowclicktrend + "%</font></b> " +" ("+ clicks7f + " vs " + wowclicks7f + "). </li>" +
    "<li>The CTR is <b><font color='"+ aftoewowctrtrendcolor + "'>" + aftoewowctrtrend + " by " + wowctrtrend + "%</font></b> " +" ("+ ctr7f + " vs " + wowctr7f + "). </li>" +
    "<li>The impressions are <b><font color='"+ aftoewowimptrendcolor + "'>" + aftoewowimptrend + " by " + wowimptrend + "%</font></b> " +" ("+ imp7f + " vs " + wowimp7f + "). </li>" +
    "<li>The avg. CPC is <b><font color='"+ aftoewowcpctrendcolor + "'>" + aftoewowcpctrend + " by " + wowcpctrend + "%</font></b> " +" (€"+ AverageCpc7 + " vs €" + wowAverageCpc7 + "). </li>" +
    "<li>The cost is <b><font color='"+ aftoewowcosttrendcolor + "'>" + aftoewowcosttrend + " by " + wowcosttrend + "%</font></b> " +" (€"+ cost7f + " vs €" + wowcost7f + "). </li>" +
    "<li>The avg. position is <b><font color='"+ aftoewowpostrendcolor + "'>" + aftoewowpostrend + " by " + wowpostrend + "%</font></b> " +" ("+ AveragePosition7f + " vs " + wowAveragePosition7f + "). </li>" +
    "<li>The Seach Impression Share is <b><font color='"+ aftoewowsistrendcolor + "'>" + aftoewowsistrend + " by " + wowsistrend + "%</font></b> " +" ("+ SearchImpressionShare7f + " vs " + wowSearchImpressionShare7f + ").</li>" +
} // function main
Show whole script!
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Tibbe van Asten Team Lead Performance Marketing
Nils Rooijmans Water Cooler Topics
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Bas Baudoin Teamlead SEA @ Happy Leads
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