If you think bidadjustments for every hour of each day is too much, this script offers the solution. Like the bidadjustment scripts on devices, locations and audiences, it automatically sets bidadjustments for all blocks in a campaign's adschedule. You can arrange this adschedule per campaign as desired.
With the latest adjustments in this script, it is possible to calculate the bid adjustments based on CPA or ROAS. The CPA or ROAS of a location is compared to the CPA or ROAS of the corresponding campaign.
LOG: Specify whether the script should report the intermediate steps by adjusting the value to 'true'.
DATE_RANGE: The script looks at the statistics over this period.
MINIMUM_CONVERSIONS: Set a minimum number of conversions for an ad schedule. If a location has less conversions, we won't set a bidadjustment.
MINIMUM_CONVERSIONVALUE: Set a minimum conversionvalue for an ad schedule. If an ad schedule has less revenue, we won't set a bidadjustment.
MINIMUM_COST: Set a minimum amount of cost for an ad schedule. If an ad schedule has spend less, we won't set a bidadjustment.
MINIMUM_CLICKS: Set a minimum number of clicks for an ad schedule. If an ad schedule has less clicks, we won't set a bidadjustment.
KPI: Calculate the bidadjustment based on 'CPA' or 'ROAS'.
CAMPAIGN_LABEL: Select campaigns by using a label.
MAX_BID: The bidadjustment will not be higher than this. 1.3 = +30% or 2 = +100%.
MIN_BID: The bidadjustment will not be lower than this. 0.75 = -25% or 0.5 = -50%.
The script
// Copyright 2021. Increase BV. All Rights Reserved.
// Created By: Tibbe van Asten
// for Increase B.V.
// Created: 19-03-2020
// Last update: 09-11-2021
// With this script we adjust the biddings for target adschedule in
// active campaigns.
var config = {
LOG : true,
// Optional: Use minimum conversions and/or cost to select target adschedules
// Leave empty to skip
// Set bidadjustments based on CPA or ROAS
KPI : "CPA",
// Optional: Use a campaignlabel to make a selection.
// Leave empty to skip
// Bidadjustments won't be higher then MAX_BID and not lower then MIN_BID
// Examples: 1.2 = +20%, 0.8 = -20%, 2 = +100%
MAX_BID : 1.2,
MIN_BID : 0.8
function main() {
if(config.KPI != "CPA" && config.KPI != "ROAS"){
throw Error("Set KPI to 'CPA' or 'ROAS' only!");
var map = {};
// Collecting all target ad schedule data
var report = AdsApp.report(
"SELECT Id, CampaignName, CampaignId, BidModifier, Conversions, ConversionValue, Cost, Clicks " +
"WHERE CampaignStatus = ENABLED " +
" DURING " + config.DATE_RANGE
var rows = report.rows();
var row = rows.next();
// Check thresholds
if(config.MINIMUM_CONVERSIONS != "" || config.MINIMUM_CONVERSIONVALUE != "" ||config.MINIMUM_COST != "" || config.MINIMUM_CLICKS != ""){
if(row["Conversions"] < config.MINIMUM_CONVERSIONS || row["ConversionValue"] < config.MINIMUM_CONVERSIONVALUE || row["Cost"] < config.MINIMUM_COST || row["Clicks"] < config.MINIMUM_CLICKS) continue;
// Skip campaign when not set to manual bidding. And check label.
var campaignIterator = AdsApp.campaigns().withIds([row["CampaignId"]]).get();
var campaign = campaignIterator.next();
if(campaign.bidding().getStrategyType() != "MANUAL_CPC" && campaign.bidding().getStrategyType() != "MANUAL_CPM" && campaign.bidding().getStrategyType() != "MANUAL_CPV") continue;
if(config.CAMPAIGN_LABEL != ""){ while(!campaign.labels().withCondition("Name = '" + config.CAMPAIGN_LABEL + "'").get().hasNext()) continue; }
var campaignKpi = parseFloat(getCampaignKpi(campaign.getId())).toFixed(2);
var oldBid = parseFloat(1 + (row["BidModifier"].split("%")[0] / 100)).toFixed(2);
// Calculate KPI's and new bid
if(config.KPI == "CPA"){ var scheduleKpi = parseFloat(row["Cost"] / row["Conversions"]).toFixed(2); var newBid = parseFloat(campaignKpi / scheduleKpi).toFixed(2); }
if(config.KPI == "ROAS"){ var scheduleKpi = parseFloat(row["ConversionValue"] / row["Cost"]).toFixed(2); var newBid = parseFloat(scheduleKpi / campaignKpi).toFixed(2); }
// If there is a CPA or ROAS, we will set a bidadjustment
if(isNaN(newBid) === false && isFinite(scheduleKpi) === true) {
if(newBid < config.MIN_BID) { newBid = parseFloat(config.MIN_BID).toFixed(2); }
if(newBid > config.MAX_BID) { newBid = parseFloat(config.MAX_BID).toFixed(2); }
// Add to map
if(newBid != oldBid) {
if(map[row["Id"] + "," + row["CampaignId"]] == null) {
map[row["Id"] + "," + row["CampaignId"]] = [];
map[row["Id"] + "," + row["CampaignId"]].push([row["Id"], row["CampaignName"], newBid]);
if(config.LOG === true){
Logger.log("Ad Schedule " + row["Id"] + " in " + row["CampaignName"]);
Logger.log("Current bidadjustment: " + row["BidModifier"] + " = " + oldBid);
Logger.log("Ad Schedule " + config.KPI + ": " + scheduleKpi + ", Campaign " + config.KPI + ": " + campaignKpi + ", New bid: " + newBid);
} // Add to map
} // Check bidadjustment
} // campaignIterator
} // rowIterator
if(config.LOG === true){
Logger.log(" ");
Logger.log("...Loop through ad schedules");
Logger.log(" ");
for (var key in map) {
var campaignIterator = AdsApp
var campaign = campaignIterator.next();
var ids = [];
var schedulesIterator = campaign
var schedule = schedulesIterator.next();
Logger.log("Bidadjustment of " + map[key][0][2] + " set for " + map[key][0][0] + " in " + map[key][0][1]);
} // locationIterator
} // campaignIterator
} // keyIterator
} // function main()
function getCampaignKpi(campaignId){
var report = AdsApp.report(
"SELECT Cost, Conversions, ConversionValue " +
"WHERE CampaignId = '" + campaignId + "' " +
var rows = report.rows();
var campaign = rows.next();
if(config.KPI == "CPA"){ var campaignKpi = campaign["Cost"] / campaign["Conversions"]; }
if(config.KPI == "ROAS"){ var campaignKpi = campaign["ConversionValue"] / campaign["Cost"]; }
} // campaignIterator
return campaignKpi;
} // function getCampaignKpi()
Show whole script!
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Tibbe van AstenTeam Lead Performance Marketing
Nils RooijmansWater Cooler Topics
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