You could apply the 20/80 rule in Search and Shopping campaigns. Put your time and attention into the 20% of keywords and products that should deliver 80% of the sales. That is a proposition that is subject to necessary discussion.
In the case of Google Shopping, SMEC (smarter ecommerce) has shown that this is not true. SMEC has written the script below, because research shows that 80% of the conversions in Shopping come from 80% of the products. These products have then only achieved 1 or 2 conversions in the last 30 days. These products are called the Long Tail products. In addition, 70% of the costs go to products that never yield conversions.
Insight into Long Tail products and keywords
To provide insight into this phenomenon and to show how much costs go to products and keywords that do not yield conversions, use the script below. A number of tweaks and upgrades have been made from the SMEC original. In addition to the analysis for Shopping, you can do the same for Search. This involves looking at keywords that have achieved conversions between 1 and the threshold (standard 3). You can then compare this result with Shopping. You can also send the results by email.
LOG: Change this to 'true' to see what exactly happened. Leave on 'false' when the script is really running, because that's faster.
DATE_RANGE: Set the daterange for the period you want to check for impressions. LAST_30_DAYS by default.
ANALYSE_KEYWORDS: Analyse keywords in the same way as products. Set to 'false' to ignore keywords.
LONG_TAIL_CONVERSIONS_THRESHOLD: The maximum number of conversions to be named Long Tail.
EMAIL_REPORT: Set to 'false' when you don't want to receive an email.
EMAIL_RECIPIENTS: Enter the e-mail address where you want to receive the notification. You can enter multiple email addresses by separating them with a comma.
EMAIL_SUBJECT: The subject of the email that will be send.
Frequentie: Set the schedule of this script to once a week or once a month.
The script
// (c) Smarter Ecommerce GmbH. All rights reserved.
// License: MIT
// Budget Eater Script . * ・ 。゚☆━੧[ ✪ ᗜ ✪ ]⊃
// Created by: smec Team []
// Extended by: Tibbe van Asten (
// Created: 27-04-2018
// Last update: 05-01-2021 - Added Search campaigns & email
// Overview: You can use this script to evaluate your Long Tail and your
// non-converters from the last 30 days. The script will give you an impression
// of the correlations between costs, conversions, and the Long Tail within
// your account.
// Twitter: @smec, @adsscripts-com
// Email:
var config = {
LOG : true,
// Sets the number of conversions threshold for evaluating the Long Tail.
// Set email to receive this report in your inbox
EMAIL_SUBJECT : "Budget Eater Report"
function main() {
var emailContent = "";
// Analyse at product-level
Logger.log("...Starting products analysis...");
emailContent = analyseCampaigns("Shopping campaigns", "OfferId, Cost, Conversions, ConversionValue, Impressions", "SHOPPING_PERFORMANCE_REPORT", "products", emailContent);
// Analyse at query-level
if(config.ANALYSE_KEYWORDS === true){
Logger.log("...Starting keyword analysis...");
emailContent = analyseCampaigns("Search campaigns", "Criteria, Cost, Conversions, ConversionValue, Impressions", "KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT", "keywords", emailContent)
// Print results in log
if(config.LOG === true){
Logger.log(" ");
// Email results
if(config.EMAIL_REPORT === true){
emailReport(emailContent.replace(/\n/g,"<br />"));
} // function main()
function analyseCampaigns(type, select, report, name, emailContent){
// Select cost and conversions for all products during the last 30 days.
var report =
"SELECT " + select + " " +
"FROM " + report + " " +
var result = {
nonConverters: { count: 0, cost: 0 },
longtail: { count: 0, cost: 0, conversions: 0, conversionValue: 0 },
converters: { count: 0, cost: 0, conversions: 0, conversionValue: 0 }
// Iterate through all rows and categorize each product by the number of its conversions.
var rows = report.rows();
while (rows.hasNext()) {
var row =;
var conversions = parseFloat(row['Conversions'], 10);
var cost = parseFloat(row['Cost'], 10);
var conversionValue = parseFloat(row['ConversionValue'], 10);
if (conversions < 1) {
result.nonConverters.count += 1;
result.nonConverters.cost += cost;
} else if (conversions < config.LONG_TAIL_CONVERSIONS_THRESHOLD) {
result.longtail.count += 1;
result.longtail.conversions += conversions;
result.longtail.cost += cost;
result.longtail.conversionValue += conversionValue;
} else {
result.converters.count += 1;
result.converters.cost += cost;
result.converters.conversions += conversions;
result.converters.conversionValue += conversionValue;
var totalCost = result.nonConverters.cost + result.longtail.cost + result.converters.cost;
var totalConversions = result.longtail.conversions + result.converters.conversions;
var totalConversionValue = result.longtail.conversionValue + result.converters.conversionValue;
emailContent += "------------------------------------\n";
emailContent += type + " (" + config.DATE_RANGE + ")\n";
emailContent += "------------------------------------\n";
emailContent += "Number of " + name +" without conversions: " + result.nonConverters.count + "\n";
emailContent += "Number of " + name +" in Long Tail: " + result.longtail.count + "\n";
emailContent += "Number of " + name +" having at least " + config.LONG_TAIL_CONVERSIONS_THRESHOLD + " conversions: " + result.converters.count + "\n\n";
emailContent += "Total cost: " + round(totalCost) + "\n";
emailContent += "Cost for Non-Converters: " + round(result.nonConverters.cost) +
" (" + round(percentage(result.nonConverters.cost, totalCost)) + "% from total cost)\n\n";
emailContent += "Total conversion value: " + round(totalConversionValue) + "\n";
emailContent += "Total conversions: " + round(totalConversions) + "\n";
emailContent += "Conversions from Long Tail: " + round(result.longtail.conversions) +
" (" + round(percentage(result.longtail.conversions, totalConversions)) + "% from total conversions)\n\n";
emailContent += "Total ROI: " + round(totalConversionValue / totalCost) + "\n";
emailContent += "ROI for Long Tail: " + round(result.longtail.conversionValue / result.longtail.cost) + "\n";
emailContent += "\n\n";
return emailContent;
} // function analyseCampaigns()
function round(number) {
// Rounds the given number to 2 decimals
return Math.round(number * 100) / 100;
} // function round()
function percentage(value, total) {
// Returns the percentage of a value for the given total value
return value / total * 100;
} // function percentage()
function emailReport(emailContent){
subject: config.EMAIL_SUBJECT,
htmlBody: emailContent
} // emailReport()
Show whole script!
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Tibbe van AstenTeam Lead Performance Marketing
Nils RooijmansWater Cooler Topics
Martijn KraanFreelance PPC Specialist
Bas BaudoinTeamlead SEA @ Happy Leads
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