CPC peaks with Smart Bidding
Curious what Smart Bidding does with the actual bids? This script provides insight into the CPC peaks in your account.
Start Now!Curious what Smart Bidding does with the actual bids? This script provides insight into the CPC peaks in your account.
Start Now!
With the arrival of Smart Bidding in Google Ads, we have outsourced the bidding. And giving all control to Google doesn't feel reassuring anyways. Although Google can include many more factors in bids and adjust them per auction, you don't know how much is paid per auction. This script, originally by Stefan Neefischer, will give you insight.
The script below gives you insights into the highest amount you have paid for a click in a certain period. And that can get pretty high if you haven't set a maximum CPC on your Smart Bidding strategy. In Stefan Neefischer's original analysis, he comes up with an amount of €339 for 1 click! And that amount eventually disappears in the averages of your account.
> You'll find the results of the script in the log
// SEAlyzer CPC Peak Analyzer
// Author: Stefan Neefischer (stefan@sealyzer.com)
// Minor changes: Tibbe van Asten
// Created: 13-05-2020
// Last update: 15-06-2021
// This script gives you insights on the impact of hidden search queries
// in your account. See what percentage of impressions, clicks, cost
// and conversion is generated by unknows search queries.
var config = {
DATE_RANGE : last_n_days(30),
// Type in your upper CPC bound - some good dynamic bounds are: 2 * AvgCPC, 3 * AvgCPC
MAX_CPC : 5.00,
function main(){
report("KeywordId, AdNetworkType2, Query, Date, Impressions, Clicks, AverageCpc, Conversions, ConversionValue, Cost, Device","SEARCH_QUERY_PERFORMANCE_REPORT");
report("Id, Criteria, AdNetworkType2, Date, ClickType, Device, Impressions, Clicks, AverageCpc, Conversions, ConversionValue, Cost","KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT");
} // function main()
function report(fields, type) {
// Microamount is used in awql - we have to convert it
var upperbound_micro = 1000000 * config.MAX_CPC;
var top_cpc = 0;
var cost_sum = 0;
var conversion_sum = 0;
var conversionValue_sum = 0;
outliercount = 0;
var report = AdsApp.report(
"SELECT " + fields +
" FROM " + type +
" WHERE AverageCpc > "+ upperbound_micro +
" DURING " + config.DATE_RANGE);
var rows = report.rows();
while (rows.hasNext()) {
var row = rows.next();
outliercount += 1;
cost_sum += parseFloat(row['Cost']);
conversion_sum += parseFloat(row['Conversions']);
if (top_cpc < row['AverageCpc']) {
top_cpc = row['AverageCpc'];
} // rowIterator
if (conversion_sum > 0) {
cpo = cost_sum/conversion_sum;
} else {
cpo = cost_sum;
if (cost_sum > 0) {
roi = conversionValue_sum / cost_sum;
} else {
roi = 0;
Logger.log("Segment performance of Clicks with CPCs > " + config.MAX_CPC);
Logger.log("FROM " + type);
Logger.log("Your CPC Peak was " + top_cpc + " for the time period " + config.DATE_RANGE);
Logger.log("There where " + outliercount + " cases of clicks higher than your CPC bound");
Logger.log("In total you paid " + cost_sum.toFixed(2) + " for those clicks");
Logger.log("This segment of clicks generated " + conversion_sum.toFixed(2) + " conversions resulting in a CPO of " + cpo.toFixed(2));
Logger.log("This segment of clicks generated " + conversionValue_sum.toFixed(2) + " in conversionValue resulting in a ROI of " + roi.toFixed(2));
Logger.log(" ");
} // funtion report()
function last_n_days(n) {
var from = new Date(), to = new Date();
to.setUTCDate(from.getUTCDate() - n);
return googleDateRange(from, to);
} // function last_n_days()
function googleDateRange(from, to) {
function googleFormat(date) {
var date_array = [date.getUTCFullYear(), date.getUTCMonth() + 1, date.getUTCDate()];
if (date_array[1] < 10) date_array[1] = '0' + date_array[1];
if (date_array[2] < 10) date_array[2] = '0' + date_array[2];
return date_array.join('');
var inverse = (from > to);
from = googleFormat(from);
to = googleFormat(to);
var result = [from, to];
if (inverse) {
result = [to, from];
return result;
} // function googleDateRange()