Create Responsive Search Ads

Add Responsive Search Ads to all your ad groups. Based on existing headlines and descriptions.

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Responsive Search Ads are relatively new. Although we are working for our customers, we have not yet added and tested them everywhere. To speed up that process, I wrote a script to make this all a lot easier.

Ad Text

This script runs through all Search campaign ad groups in your account and adds a Responsive Search Ad. Existing Expanded Text Ads are used as input for the new advertisement. All headlines and descriptions are extracted here to add to the Responsive Text Ad. This makes the new ads directly relevant in all ad groups.

You can put backup headlines and descriptions in the script. These will only be included in the new advertisement if no 15 headlines or 4 descriptions have been used. Use general texts here so that they are relevant to all ad groups.


You can use labels to select ad groups. If you don't want to add Responsive Text ads everywhere, this is a good option.
In addition, you can also label the new ads. This way you can easily find it later in your account.


You can adjust the following settings to use the script.

  • LOG: Specify whether the script should report the intermediate steps, by adjusting the value to 'true'.
  • HEADLINE_1/2/3: Add general headers as backup here. Maximum 30 characters.
  • NUM_HEADLINES: Indicate how many backup headlines you have created.
  • DESCRIPTION_1/2: Add general descriptions here as backup. 90 characters maximum.
  • ADGROUP_LABEL: Optionally, add labels to the ad groups to which you want to add a new Responsive Text Ad.
  • RSA_LABEL: Optional, add a label to the new ads.
The script
// Copyright 2020. Increase BV. All Rights Reserved.
// Created By: Tibbe van Asten
// for Increase B.V.
// Created: 01-03-2019
// Last update: 20-05-2020
// With this script you can automatically add Responsive Search Ads
// to all of your adgroups. The script selects all adgroups without an RSA, 
// collects headlines and descriptions from active text ads in that adgroup, 
// finds the Final-URL with the highest conversionrate in the adgroup and 
// puts all of that together in an RSA. 
// You can also add backup headlines and descriptions.

var config = {
  LOG : true,
  // Back-up adcopy. When space left, these headlines and descriptions are added to the RSA
  // You can add as many backup headlines as you want, but make sure the set NUM_HEADLINES
  // correct to the number of headlines you've created and name the headlines consecutive
  HEADLINE_1 : "",
  HEADLINE_2 : "",
  HEADLINE_3 : "",
  // Select only adgroups with this label. Leave empty when you don't want to use this.
  // Add a label to the new Responsive Search Ads. Leave empty when you don't want to use this.
  RSA_LABEL : ""


function main() {
  var result = testCopy();
  var list = [];
  if(config.ADGROUP_LABEL !== ""){
    var adGroupIterator = AdsApp
      .withCondition("Status = ENABLED")
      .withCondition("CampaignStatus = ENABLED")
      .withCondition("AdvertisingChannelType = SEARCH")	
      .withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS_ANY ['"+config.ADGROUP_LABEL+"']")	    
  } else{
    var adGroupIterator = AdsApp
      .withCondition("Status = ENABLED")
      .withCondition("CampaignStatus = ENABLED")
      .withCondition("AdvertisingChannelType = SEARCH")	    
    var adGroup =;
    if(!"Type IN [RESPONSIVE_SEARCH_AD]").get().hasNext() && adGroup.getCampaign().isBaseCampaign() === true){
      	var url = getUrl(adGroup);      
      	if(!url){ continue; }
      	var adOperation = adGroup.newAd().responsiveSearchAdBuilder().withFinalUrl(url);

        adOperation = getAdcopy(adGroup, adOperation).build();      
    } // Filter adgroups with responsive search ads
  } // adGroupIterator   
  	if(list.length > 0){
  	  Logger.log("Added Responsive Search Ads to"); 
  // Log all added adGroups
  for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
    var adOperation = list[i];
   	if(adOperation.isSuccessful() === true){
    	  var ad = adOperation.getResult();  
      	  if(config.RSA_LABEL !== ""){
      	Logger.log(ad.getAdGroup().getCampaign().getName() + ", " + ad.getAdGroup().getName());
    } else {
      Logger.log("ERROR: " + adOperation.getErrors());
  Logger.log("Thanks for using this custom script by Tibbe van Asten. Winning!");
} // function main()


function testCopy(){
    for (var i = 1;i < (config.NUM_HEADLINES + 1); i++) { 
        if(eval('config.HEADLINE_' + i).length > 30 || eval('config.HEADLINE_' + i) === ""){
          	throw Error("Check Headline " + i);
    if(config.DESCRIPTION_1.length > 90 || config.DESCRIPTION_1 === ""){
      throw Error("Check Description 1");
    if(config.DESCRIPTION_2.length > 90 || config.DESCRIPTION_2 === ""){
      throw Error("Check Description 2");
} // testCopy


function getUrl(adGroup){
  if(adGroup.getStatsFor("LAST_30_DAYS").getConversions() > 0){
    var adIterator = adGroup
      .withCondition("Status = ENABLED")
      .orderBy("ConversionRate DESC")

      var ad =;
      var url = ad.urls().getFinalUrl();
  } else{
    var adIterator = adGroup
      .withCondition("Status = ENABLED")

      var ad =;
      var url = ad.urls().getFinalUrl();
    if(config.LOG === true && url !== null){
      Logger.log("Url: " + url);
  return url;
} // getUrl()


function checkLabel(){
  if(config.RSA_LABEL !== "" && !AdsApp.labels().withCondition("Name = '"+config.RSA_LABEL+"'").get().hasNext()) {

    	if(config.LOG === true){
    	  Logger.log("Label " + config.RSA_LABEL + " created");
} // function checkLabel()


function getAdcopy(adGroup, adOperation){
  var headlines = [];
  var descriptions = [];
  var path1 = "";
  var path2 = "";
  var adIterator = adGroup
    .withCondition("Status = ENABLED")
    .withCondition("Type = EXPANDED_TEXT_AD")
    var ad =;    
    // Add headlines if unique
    if(ad.getHeadlinePart1().indexOf("{=") < 0 && headlines.indexOf(ad.getHeadlinePart1()) < 0 && headlines.length < 15){
        if(config.LOG === true){
          Logger.log("Added a headline 1");
    if(ad.getHeadlinePart2().indexOf("{=") < 0 && headlines.indexOf(ad.getHeadlinePart2()) < 0 && headlines.length < 15){
      	if(config.LOG === true){
          Logger.log("Added a headline 2");
    if(ad.getHeadlinePart3() != null && ad.getHeadlinePart3().indexOf("{=") < 0  && headlines.indexOf(ad.getHeadlinePart3()) < 0 && headlines.length < 15){
         if(config.LOG === true){
          Logger.log("Added a headline 3");
    // Add descriptions if unique
    if(ad.getDescription1().indexOf("{=") < 0 && descriptions.indexOf(ad.getDescription1()) < 0 && descriptions.length < 4){
        if(config.LOG === true){
          Logger.log("Added a description 1");
    if(ad.getDescription2() !== null && ad.getDescription2().indexOf("{=") < 0 && descriptions.indexOf(ad.getDescription2()) < 0 && descriptions.length < 4){
        if(config.LOG === true){
          Logger.log("Added a description 2");        

    // Add paths
    if(ad.getPath1() != "" && path1 == ""){
      path1 = ad.getPath1() || "";
        if(config.LOG === true){
          Logger.log("Added path 1");        

    // Add paths
    if(ad.getPath2() != "" && path2 == ""){
      path2 = ad.getPath2() || "";
        if(config.LOG === true){
          Logger.log("Added path 2");        
  } // adIterator
  // If the number of headlines from existing ads is less then 15, we add the backup headlines
  for (var i = 1;headlines.length < 15 && i < (config.NUM_HEADLINES + 1); i++) { 
    if(headlines.indexOf(eval('config.HEADLINE_' + i)) < 0){
  	headlines.push(eval('config.HEADLINE_' + i));
    // Now we add all headlines to the adOperation
    for (var i = 0; i < headlines.length; i++) { 
  // If the number of descriptions from existing ads is less then 4, we add the backup descriptions
  for (var i = 1;descriptions.length < 4 && i < 3; i++) { 
    if(descriptions.indexOf(eval('config.DESCRIPTION_' + i)) < 0){
  	descriptions.push(eval('config.DESCRIPTION_' + i));
    // Now we add all descriptions to the adOperation
    for (var i = 0; i < descriptions.length; i++) { 

    // Now we add the paths to the adOperation
    if(path1 != ""){

    if(path2 != ""){
    if(config.LOG === true){
      Logger.log(" "); 
  return adOperation;    
} // getAdcopy
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The Experts
Tibbe van Asten Team Lead Performance Marketing
Nils Rooijmans Water Cooler Topics
Martijn Kraan Freelance PPC Specialist
Bas Baudoin Teamlead SEA @ Happy Leads
Jermaya Leijen Digital Marketing Strategist
Krzysztof Bycina PPC Specialist from Poland
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