But as soon as you have more than 10 products in your shop, you do not want to do this manually. You have to create an ad group per product, add a product, add a bid and exclude 'Other products'. That is why we have created a script that automatically updates this based on your Merchant Center. The script goes through all products and checks whether these are already in the shopping campaigns. If the products are new, they will be added to the campaigns.
Set up campaigns manually
From Google Ads Scripts we can not create new Shopping campaigns. That is why you have to create and set it yourself as you wish. When you next run this script for the first time, you will have to do this several times to ensure that all products are in it. On average, the script gets 500 products in half an hour, so turn the script the first time often enough to add all products. You can also split your campaigns by a field in Merchant Center, like brand or productType. If you're doing this, make sure the brand or productType is in the campaign name, so the script can select the right campaign to add the product.
To run this script properly, you need to set the following things correctly:
- LOG: Specify whether the script should report the intermediate steps by adjusting the value to 'true'.
- MERCHANT_ID: The ID of your Merchant Center account. The user running the script in Google Ads, needs to be added as a user in Merchant Center. Also, enable the advanced API 'Shopping Content' in the script.
- DEFAULT_BID: The Max. CPC that is filled in for each product.
- SPLIT_FIELD: Do you want to split your campaigns by a Merchant Center field? Set that field here.
Scheduling: If you have more than 500 products, you set them the first time for each hour. When all products are in the campaigns, change this to daily. Make sure you choose a time after updating your product feed in Merchant Center.