Check out Nils' script to make sure you didn't screw up your match type indicators!
This script automatically excludes the exact match keywords in your BMM campaigns by utilizing Negative Keyword Lists. In addition to your BMM campaigns, you can also choose to apply the lists with exact match keywords to your DSA (Dynamic Search Ads) campaigns. We've tried to make the script as versatile as possible (hence the huge config ;)), but feel free to request for any changes!
What is does?
First of all, the script scans your account for exact match keywords. These are then added to a negative keyword list in the Shared Library. If your account has more than 5.000 exact match keywords (the current keyword limit of a list), the script will create additional lists (by appending "1", " 2", etc). You can choose to wipe the list with every run so it represents a fresh snapshot of your keywords. Or you can choose to keep the list as is, so only new keywords are added. Finally, the list is applied to your BMM (and optionally DSA) campaigns.
- ACTIVE_CAMPAIGNS_ONLY: Do you want to use keywords from active campaigns only? Yes/No
- ACTIVE_ADGROUPS_ONLY: Do you want to use keywords from active ad groups only? Yes/No
- ACTIVE_KEYWORDS_ONLY: Do you want to use active keywords only? Yes/No
- EXACT_IDENTIFIER: How can we identify the Exact campaigns? E.g. "exact". Leave empty to get the exact keywords from all campaigns
- BMM_IDENTIFIER: How can we identify the BMM campaigns? E.g. "bmm"
- INCLUDE_DSA: Do you want to apply the exact match negatives in your DSA campaigns? Yes/No
- DSA_IDENTIFIER: How can we identify your DSA campaigns? E.g. "dsa"
- NKL_NAME: What name should the NKL carry?
- EMPTY_EVERY_RUN: Do you want to empty & refill the NKL every time the script runs? Yes/No. If 'Yes', make sure no other lists start with NKL_NAME variable.
- KEYWORDS_PER_LIST: What is the maximum number of negative keywords per list? Check the limits at
Scheduling: Run this script as many times as you want, depending on how dynamic your setup is.