Negative Keyword List cleaner

Clean your negative keyword lists in just one click!

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Negative keyword lists are usually an accumulation of years and years of adding and removing negative keywords. Because of this, your lists are very easily polluted with small errors. Adding them all up leads to an inefficient negative keyword list. This script performs 3 hygiene tasks to fix that, but doesn't change the actual effect of the list on your account.

1. Correcting capitalization

In the humble opinion of the author of this article, the use of capitals in negative (and "positive") keywords is not very professional. It's of no use and only increases the risk of adding duplicate keywords (one with and one without capitals). This script removes all negative keywords with capitals and adds them without capitals. The example below is in Dutch, but "broodje" means "sandwich" :).

Read more about the use of capitals and symbols in this Google Ads Help article.

2. Correcting one word phrase match negatives

Match types for negative keywords have a vastly different function than for positive keywords. Should you have 15 minutes to spare, please watch this video of Brad Geddes about how match types with negative keywords work. Once you've seen the video. you will understand that a one-word prhase match negative works exactly the same as a one-word broad match negative. So why bother to add the phrase match indicators? This script will remove them for you, so for example <"free"> will become <free>.

3. Removing redundant negatives

During the lifetime of a negative keyword list the chances are great that a negative will be added that is already being excluded by another negative. If for example <fish> is already in the list, there is no need to have <fish store> in the list. <fishstore> however should be kept. Don't be suprised if 90% of your negatives turn out te be redundant. Removing them has a couple of advantages:

  • Prevents hitting your account limits (for negative keywords & lists)
  • Speeds up loading accounts in the Google Ads Editor
  • Prevents runtime errors with Google Ads Scripts (such as the Negative Keyword Conflicts scripts from Google)
  • Improves overview and therefore - usually - reduces the risk of errors


The script can only clean lists it has access to. So, if you run the script on account level, it can clean all lists in the account ánd in connected MCC's. If you run the script on MCC-level, it can only edit the lists of the MCC.


This script has been tested extensively for TUI and VodafoneZiggo. However, negative keywords (lists) are a very powerful tool, so make sure to check and doublecheck the edits the script will make. You can do this by previewing the script first and than study the LOG carefully.


This script uses parts of the Negative Keyword Conflicts script from Google.


Setting up the script is simple: copy the code from this page, create a new scripts in the Google Ads interface, paste the code and set the following variables:

  • LOG: Set to 'true' if you want to log the changes
  • LIST_NAME_CONTAINS: limit the script to edit specific lists only
  • LIST_NAME_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN: exclude lists from being edited by the script
  • CORRECT_CAPITALIZATION: Set this to 'true' transform all negative keywords to lowercase
  • CORRECT_ONE_WORD_PHRASES: Set this to 'true' to change one-word phrase match negatives to broad match
  • REMOVE_REDUNDANT_NEGATIVES: Set this to 'true' if you want to remove redundant negative keywords
The script
// NKL cleaner
// Perform 3 hygiene action for your Negative Keyword Lists:
// - Correct capitalization
// - Correct one word phrase negatives
// - Remove redundant negatives
// Created By: Martijn Kraan
// With parts from Google's "Negative Keyword Conflicts" script
// Created: 17-02-2020

var config = {

    LOG: true,
    // Set to 'true' if you want to log the changes

    // Only one value allowed
    // For example ['Brand'] would only look at lists containing 'Brand'
    // Leave empty [] to include all campaigns.  

    // Only one value allowed
    // For example ['Generic'] would skip lists containing 'Generic'
    // Leave empty [] to include all campaigns.

    // Set this to 'true' transform all negative keywords to lowercase
    // since (negative) keywords are not case sensitive
    // For example "Free" will be converted to "free"

    // Set this to 'true' to change one-word phrase match negatives to broad match.
    // For example "free" will be converted to free, but "for free" will stay unchanged

    // Set this to true if you want to remove redundant negative keywords
    // For example: if "free" (broad match) is already in the list,
    // the negative "for free" (broad, phrase or exact match) can be removed



function main() {

    // Get all the negative keyword lists according to the selection in the config
    var negativeKeywordLists = getNKLs();

    // Loop through the selected negative keyword lists
    while (negativeKeywordLists.hasNext()) {

        var negativeKeywordList =;
        if (config.LOG === true) {
            Logger.log('Processing list "' + negativeKeywordList.getName() + '"');

        // Check for capitalization
        if (config.CORRECT_CAPITALIZATION) {
            if (config.LOG === true) {
                Logger.log('-> Checking for capitalization:');

            // Get the negatives from the list as objects
            var negatives = getNegatives(negativeKeywordList);

            // Loop through all the negatives
            for (var neg in negatives) {
                var negative = negatives[neg];

                // If negative contains a capital...
                if (checkForCapitals(negative.display)) {

                    //...remove the negative...

                    //...and add the negative again, without capitals

                    if (config.LOG === true) {
                        Logger.log('Set ' + negative.display + ' (' + negative.matchType + ') to lowercase');

        // Check for one word phrase match negatives
        if (config.CORRECT_ONE_WORD_PHRASES) {

            if (config.LOG === true) {
                Logger.log('-> Checking for one-word PHRASE negatives:');

            // Get the negatives from the list as objects (again)
            var negatives = getNegatives(negativeKeywordList);

            // Loop through all the negatives
            for (var neg in negatives) {
                var negative = negatives[neg];

                // If negative match type is phrase and number of words is 1...
                if (negative.matchType === 'PHRASE' && negative.wordCount === 1) {

                    //...remove the negative...

                    //...and add the negative again as a broad match negative

                    if (config.LOG === true) {
                        Logger.log('Changed negative keyword ' + negative.display + ' from phrase to broad match');

        // Check for redundant negatives
        if (config.REMOVE_REDUNDANT_NEGATIVES) {

            if (config.LOG === true) {
                Logger.log('-> Checking for redundant negatives:');

            // Get the negatives from the list as objects (again)          
            var negatives = getNegatives(negativeKeywordList);
            // Sort the negatives so that the broad match negatives are first

            // Loop through all the negatives
            for (var i = 0; i < negatives.length; i++) {
                var negative = negatives[i];

                switch (negative.matchType) {

                    // If negative match type is broad...
                    case 'BROAD':

                        // the negative with all the other negatives from the list
                        for (var y = 0; y < negatives.length; y++) {

                            // Check if the negative broad matches the other (redundant) negative
                            var match = hasAllTokens(negative.raw, negatives[y].raw)

                            // If there's a match (and it's not the same negative)...
                            if (match && negative.display != negatives[y].display) {

                                //...remove the matched redundant negative

                                if (config.LOG === true) {
                                    Logger.log('"' + negatives[y].raw + '" (' + negatives[y].matchType + ') can be removed because the negative keyword "' + negative.raw + '" (' + negative.matchType + ') will block related queries already');

                                // Correct the increments of both loops
                                negatives.splice(y, 1);
                                if (i > y) {

                        // If negative match type is phrase...                    
                    case 'PHRASE':

                        // the negative with all the other negatives from the list                    
                        for (var y = 0; y < negatives.length; y++) {

                            // Check if the negative phrase matches the other (redundant) negative                          
                            var match = isSubsequence(negative.raw, negatives[y].raw)

                            // If there's a match (and it's not the same negative)...                            
                            if (match && negative.raw != negatives[y].raw) {

                                //...remove the matched redundant negative                              

                                if (config.LOG === true) {
                                    Logger.log('"' + negatives[y].raw + '" (' + negatives[y].matchType + ') can be removed because the negative keyword "' + negative.raw + '" (' + negative.matchType + ') will block related queries already');

                                // Correct the increments of both loops                              
                                negatives.splice(y, 1);
                                if (i > y) {

                        // If negative match type is exact...                    
                    case 'EXACT':
                        // action needed because an exact match can only block itself
        Logger.log(' ');

function getNKLs() {
    var negativeKeywordListIterator;
    if (config.LIST_NAME_CONTAINS.length > 0) {
        var negativeKeywordListIterator = AdsApp.negativeKeywordLists()
            .withCondition('Name CONTAINS_IGNORE_CASE "' + config.LIST_NAME_CONTAINS + '"')
    } else if (config.LIST_NAME_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN.length > 0) {
        var negativeKeywordListIterator = AdsApp.negativeKeywordLists()
            .withCondition('Name DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_IGNORE_CASE "' + config.LIST_NAME_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN + '"')
    } else {
        var negativeKeywordListIterator = AdsApp.negativeKeywordLists()
    return negativeKeywordListIterator;

function getNegatives(negativeKeywordList) {

    var negativeKeywords = negativeKeywordList.negativeKeywords().get();
    var negatives = [];

    while (negativeKeywords.hasNext()) {
        var negative =;
            normalizeKeyword(negative, negative.getText(), negative.getMatchType()));
    return negatives;

 * Normalizes a keyword by returning a raw and display version and consistent
 * match type. The raw version has no leading and trailing punctuation for
 * phrase and exact match keywords, no consecutive whitespace, is all
 * lowercase, and removes broad match qualifiers. The display version has no
 * consecutive whitespace and is all lowercase. The match type is uppercase.
 * @param {string} text A keyword's text that should be normalized.
 * @param {string} matchType The keyword's match type.
 * @return {Object} An object with fields display, raw, and matchType.

function normalizeKeyword(negative, text, matchType) {
    var display;
    var raw = text;
    matchType = matchType.toUpperCase();

    // Replace leading and trailing "" for phrase match keywords and [] for
    // exact match keywords, if it is there.
    if (matchType == 'PHRASE') {
        raw = trimKeyword(raw, '"', '"');
    } else if (matchType == 'EXACT') {
        raw = trimKeyword(raw, '[', ']');

    // Collapse any runs of whitespace into single spaces.
    raw = raw.replace(new RegExp('\\s+', 'g'), ' ');

    // Set display version.
    display = raw;
    if (matchType == 'PHRASE') {
        display = '"' + display + '"';
    } else if (matchType == 'EXACT') {
        display = '[' + display + ']';

    // Keywords are not case sensitive.
    raw = raw.toLowerCase();

    // Remove broad match modifier '+' sign.
    raw = raw.replace(new RegExp('\\s\\+', 'g'), ' ');

    // Check length
    var wordCount = raw.split(' ').length;

    return {
        neg: negative,
        display: display,
        raw: raw,
        matchType: matchType,
        wordCount: wordCount

 * Removes leading and trailing match type punctuation from the first and
 * last character of a keyword's text, if any.
 * @param {string} text A keyword's text to remove punctuation from.
 * @param {string} open The character that may be the first character.
 * @param {string} close The character that may be the last character.
 * @return {Object} The same text, trimmed of open and close if present.
function trimKeyword(text, open, close) {
    if (text.substring(0, 1) == open &&
        text.substring(text.length - 1) == close) {
        return text.substring(1, text.length - 1);

    return text;

 * Tests whether all of the tokens in one keyword's raw text appear in
 * the tokens of a second keyword's text.
 * @param {string} keywordText1 the raw keyword text whose tokens may
 *     appear in the other keyword text.
 * @param {string} keywordText2 the raw keyword text which may contain
 *     the tokens of the other keyword.
 * @return {boolean} Whether all tokens in keywordText1 appear among
 *     the tokens of keywordText2.
function hasAllTokens(keywordText1, keywordText2) {
    var keywordTokens1 = keywordText1.split(' ');
    var keywordTokens2 = keywordText2.split(' ');

    for (var i = 0; i < keywordTokens1.length; i++) {
        if (keywordTokens2.indexOf(keywordTokens1[i]) == -1) {
            return false;

    return true;

 * Tests whether all of the tokens in one keyword's raw text appear in
 * order in the tokens of a second keyword's text.
 * @param {string} keywordText1 the raw keyword text whose tokens may
 *     appear in the other keyword text.
 * @param {string} keywordText2 the raw keyword text which may contain
 *     the tokens of the other keyword in order.
 * @return {boolean} Whether all tokens in keywordText1 appear in order
 *     among the tokens of keywordText2.

function isSubsequence(keywordText1, keywordText2) {
    return (' ' + keywordText2 + ' ').indexOf(' ' + keywordText1 + ' ') >= 0;

function checkForCapitals(str) {
    return str.match(/[A-Z]/);

function compare(a, b) {
    if (a.matchType < b.matchType) {
        return -1;
    if (a.matchType > b.matchType) {
        return 1;
    return 0;
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Tibbe van Asten Team Lead Performance Marketing
Nils Rooijmans Water Cooler Topics
Martijn Kraan Freelance PPC Specialist
Bas Baudoin Teamlead SEA @ Happy Leads
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