Keyword Quality Report

Identify the keywords in your account where the quality of the ad or landing page needs to be improved.

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Keyword Quality Report
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As part of the Quality Score assigned to each keyword in your account, a number of statistics are used that you can find in your account. It concerns the following metrics:

  • Ad relevance
  • Quality of the landing page
  • Expected CTR
  • Bouncerate
  • Time on Site (TOS)


In the config section of the script, you can adjust multiple values ​​as desired.

  • LOG: Change this to 'true' to see what exactly happened. Leave on 'false' when the script is really running, because that's faster.
  • THRESHOLD_IMPRESSIONS: change this number if you think you need more impressions to get good statistics.
  • DATE_RANGE: Has an effect on the previous variable. The script looks at the number of impressions in the specified time frame.
  • ACCOUNT_LABEL: Use this to select specific accounts.
  • KEYWORD_LABEL: Applies to each keyword when it is included in the sheet to avoid duplication. You can adjust this as you wish, the script creates the label when it does not exist.
  • THRESHOLD_BOUNCE: The keyword must have at least this bouncerate to be reported.
  • THRESHOLD_TOS: The keyword can have up to this time on site (in seconds) to be reported.
  • SPREADSHEET_URL: Make a copy of this spreadsheet and enter the URL here to use the results of the script.

MCC level

The following script can be used at MCC level, so that you get a tab in a Google Sheet per account with the keywords where you can make improvements. In the accountSelector, I filter all accounts that are labeled 'Active' in your MCC. If you do not want this, you can delete line 43 from the script. In addition, there is a label attached to each keyword when they are included in the report. As a result, keywords do not return multiple times in the sheet.

Scheduling: Run this script every hour, because it may take some time for all keywords from all accounts to run through.

The script
// Copyright 2020. Increase BV. All Rights Reserved.
// Not to be used without permission of the creator or Increase B.V.
// Created By: Tibbe van Asten
// for Increase B.V.
// Created: 29-11-2018
// Last update: 17-08-2020
// 17-08-2020: Added Keyword Match Type (idea by Arjan Schoorl)
// With this script, we will create a report with all keywords
// in your accounts that have quality issues.
// Link to script:
// ------------------------------------------------------------

// Script settings
var config = {

  LOG : false,


  ACCOUNT_LABEL : "Active",
  KEYWORD_LABEL : "Keyword - Quality - Issue",


  // Copy from

  API_VERSION : "v201809"

// ------------------------------------------------------------

function main() {

  var ss = connectSheet();

  // Selecting all Ads Accounts
  var accountIterator = AdsManagerApp
    .withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS '" + config.ACCOUNT_LABEL + "'")

    var account =;;

        Logger.log("Account: " + account.getName());

    // Create a label when it doesn't already exists
    var label = AdsApp.labels().withCondition("Name = '" + config.KEYWORD_LABEL + "'").get().next();

    // Check if a sheet already exists for this account
    var sheet = checkSheet(ss, account);

    // Selecting all keywords
    var report =
      "SELECT AccountDescriptiveName, CampaignName, AdGroupName, AdGroupId, Criteria, KeywordMatchType, Id, BounceRate, AverageTimeOnSite, FinalUrls, CpcBid, SearchPredictedCtr, CreativeQualityScore, HistoricalLandingPageQualityScore, Clicks " +
      "WHERE LabelIds CONTAINS_NONE [" + label.getId() + "] " +
      "AND CampaignStatus = ENABLED " +
      "AND AdGroupStatus = ENABLED " +
      "AND Status = ENABLED " +
      "AND Impressions > " + config.THRESHOLD_IMPRESSIONS +
      " DURING " + config.DATE_RANGE

    var rows = report.rows();
    while (rows.hasNext()) {
      var row =;

      reportRows(row, sheet);

    } // row iterator

    	Logger.log(account.getName() + " afgerond");

  } // account iterator

} // function main()

// ------------------------------------------------------------

function reportRows(row, sheet){

  // Checking a couple of variables, to make sure everything works as expected
  var bounceRate = checkBounce(row);
  var tos = checkTos(row)

  if((tos < config.THRESHOLD_TOS && tos != "") || bounceRate > config.THRESHOLD_BOUNCE || row["SearchPredictedCtr"] == "Below average" || row["CreativeQualityScore"] == "Below average" || row["HistoricalLandingPageQualityScore"] == "Below average"){

    if(config.LOG == true){
      Logger.log("Keyword: " + row["Criteria"]);
      Logger.log("TOS: " + row["AverageTimeOnSite"]);
      Logger.log("Bounce: " + row["BounceRate"]);
      Logger.log("Ad Quality: " + row["CreativeQualityScore"]);
      Logger.log("LP Experience: " + row["HistoricalLandingPageQualityScore"]);
      Logger.log("Exp. CTR: " + row["SearchPredictedCtr"]);
      Logger.log(" ");

    // Checking the final URL of a keyword. If not set, we will find the URL of the best performing ad in the adgroup
    var finalUrl = findUrl(row);

    // Now we put all the info in the sheet
    sheet.appendRow([row["AccountDescriptiveName"],row["CampaignName"],row["AdGroupName"],row["AdGroupId"],"'" + row["Criteria"],row["KeywordMatchType"],row["Id"],bounceRate,row["CreativeQualityScore"],row["HistoricalLandingPageQualityScore"],row["SearchPredictedCtr"],tos,row["CpcBid"],finalUrl]);

    // Label the keyword, so we know it's processed
    labelKeywords(row["AdGroupId"], row["Id"]);

  } // keyword selection

} // function reportRows

// ------------------------------------------------------------

function findUrl(row){

  if(row["FinalUrls"] == "--"){

    var keywordIterator = AdsApp
    .withIds([[row["AdGroupId"], row["Id"]]])

      var keyword =;
      var finalUrl = keyword.getAdGroup().ads().orderBy("Ctr DESC").forDateRange(config.DATE_RANGE).withLimit(1).get().next().urls().getFinalUrl();

    } // keyword iterator

  } else {
    var finalUrl = row["FinalUrls"];

  return finalUrl;

} // function findUrl()

// ------------------------------------------------------------

function checkBounce(row){

  if(row["Clicks"] >= 10){
    var bounceRate = parseInt(row["BounceRate"]);
  } else {
  	var bounceRate = "";

  return bounceRate;

} // checkBounce()

// ------------------------------------------------------------

function checkTos(row){

  if(row["Clicks"] >= 10){
    var tos = parseInt(row["AverageTimeOnSite"]);
  } else {
  	var tos = "";

  return tos;

} // function checkTos()

// ------------------------------------------------------------

function keywordLabel(account){

  if(!AdsApp.labels().withCondition("Name = '"+config.KEYWORD_LABEL+"'").get().hasNext()) {

    	if(config.LOG == true){
    		Logger.log("Label " + config.KEYWORD_LABEL + " created");

} // function keywordLabel()

// ------------------------------------------------------------

function labelKeywords(adGroupId, keywordId){

  var keywordIterator = AdsApp
  	.withIds([[adGroupId, keywordId]])

    var keyword =;

    	if(config.LOG == true){
    		Logger.log("Label toegepast op " + keyword.getText());
          	Logger.log(" ");

  } // keyword iterator

} // function labelKeywords

// ------------------------------------------------------------

function connectSheet(){

  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(config.SPREADSHEET_URL);
  return ss;

} // function connectSheet()

// ------------------------------------------------------------

function checkSheet(ss, account){

  var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(account.getName());

  	if (sheet == null) {
      var templateSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Template");
      ss.insertSheet(account.getName(), {template: templateSheet});
      var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(account.getName());

      	Logger.log("New sheet created for " + account.getName());

    } // if sheet doesn't exists

  return sheet;

} // checkSheet()
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Tibbe van Asten Team Lead Performance Marketing
Nils Rooijmans Water Cooler Topics
Martijn Kraan Freelance PPC Specialist
Bas Baudoin Teamlead SEA @ Happy Leads
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