Triple Match Keywords

With this script you ensure that keywords are added in all different match types in an adgroup.

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Triple Match Keywords
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Do you have adgroups with exact match, BMM and phrase match in one? This script by Aleksandar Vucenovic can come in handy with large accounts, which combine search types within adgroups. The script checks all adgroups and checks if keywords have been added in different match types. If not, this script will add the keywords. This way, you can be sure that all keywords in three different search types are in your adgroups.

Google Ads matchtypes

Within Google Ads you can choose from four different search types:

  • Exact match
  • Phrase match
  • Broad match modifier
  • Broad match
Based on the search types you have chosen in your account, Google determines which search terms of users 'match' with your keywords. Google's matching has become less strict in the past years, but based on the list above you can say 'exact match' ensures the tightest matching and broad match ensures a loose match of search terms with your keywords. Google also explains this itself.

Broad match is not widely used in accounts, because the search terms that Google links to it are often irrelevant. Therefore, this script only takes into account the other three match types; exact match, BMM and phrase match.


  • ACCOUNTS_TO_PROCESS: Add a label to any account you want to go through with this script.
  • TRIPLE_MATCH_LABEL: This label is added to every keyword that the script has checked.
  • TRIPLE_MATCH_ADGROUP_PROCESS_LABEL: All adgroups that need to be monitored are temporarily given this label.
  • TRIPLE_MATCH_CAMPAIGN_OMIT_LABEL: With this label you exclude campaigns from this script.
The script
* Title: Triple Match MCC
* Descritpion: Adds the missing match types of each keyword in every ad group
* Author: Wolf+Bär Agency, Aleksandar Vucenovic
* Website:
* License: GNU GPLv3
* Version: 0.4
* URL:
* URL: 

/********* START Description ************************************************
* This scripts adds all missing keyword match types to each ad group. 
* Eg. If only an exact match keyword has been added to the ad group,
* the script will add the corresponding modified broad match and phrase match
* keywords to the ad group.
* Mark each account that you want to be processed with the
* ACCOUNTS_TO_PROCESS label from the settings below.
* In case one account is very, very large and the script stops because of
* one of the script limitations (eg time limit), this script will continue 
* where it left off in the next run. 
********** END Description **************************************************/

/********* START Settings **************************************************/

var ACCOUNTS_TO_PROCESS = 'do_triple_match_fix';
// Add this label to every account you want to be processed

var TRIPLE_MATCH_LABEL = 'triple_match_done';
// This label will be added to each keyword that has been processed
// in order to omit them in later runs.

var TRIPLE_MATCH_ADGROUP_PROCESS_LABEL = 'do_adgroup_triple_match_fix';
// All ad groups that need to be processed will be temporarily marked with this label

var TRIPLE_MATCH_CAMPAIGN_OMIT_LABEL = 'omit_campaign_triple_match_fix';
// Tag the campaigns, that you want to omit, with this label.

var keywordOperations = [];

/********* END Settings **************************************************/

// Run the main function
// Get all accounts tagged to be processed
function main() {

// Get all tagged accounts and process them in parallel
function getAccountsByLabel() {

  var accountSelector = MccApp.accounts()
      .withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS '" + ACCOUNTS_TO_PROCESS + "'");
   accountSelector.executeInParallel('processAccount', 'allFinished');

// Process each account
function processAccount() {
  // Select the account to process
  var account = AdWordsApp.currentAccount();
  Logger.log('account name = ' + account.getName());
  // Check if the previous run has not been aborted.
  // If not, execute in full,
  // otherwise, omit the initialization. 
  Logger.log('checking if TRIPLE_MATCH_ADGROUP_PROCESS_LABEL exists');
  if( checkLabel(TRIPLE_MATCH_ADGROUP_PROCESS_LABEL) == false ){
    // We know now that the label doesn't exist yet,
    // so create it.
    Logger.log('creating TRIPLE_MATCH_ADGROUP_PROCESS_LABEL');
    // Check if the keyword label already exists in the account. 
    // If not create it. 
    Logger.log('checking if TRIPLE_MATCH_LABEL exists');
    if( checkLabel(TRIPLE_MATCH_LABEL) == false ){
      Logger.log('creating TRIPLE_MATCH_LABEL');
    // Mark all ad groups that need to be processed.
  } // end if

  // Process all tagged ad grouops.
  // Add labels to new keywords
  // Finish up, by removing the temporary labels from the ad groups

// Run closing report
function allFinished(){
  Logger.log('finished processing all accounts');

// This function tags all ad groups that need to be processed.
// It is slow in the first run, but allows a much faster execution of the entire script
// in each subsequent run.
function markAllAdGroupsForProcessing(){
  // A list of all campaigns to omit
  var campaignsToOmit = [];
  // Get all campaigns that will be omitted
  Logger.log('Get all campaigns that will be omitted');
  if( checkLabel(TRIPLE_MATCH_CAMPAIGN_OMIT_LABEL) == true ){
    var campaignIterator = AdWordsApp
    .withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS_ANY [ '" + TRIPLE_MATCH_CAMPAIGN_OMIT_LABEL + "' ]")
    // Push all campaign IDs, that will be omitted, into an array
    Logger.log('logging campaigns to omit');
    while( campaignIterator.hasNext() ){
      var campaignIdToOmit =;
      Logger.log('campaignID to omit: ' + campaignIdToOmit );
  Logger.log("CampaignId NOT_IN [" + campaignsToOmit.join(",") + "]");
  // Select all keywords that have not been processed yet
  if(campaignsToOmit.length == 0){
    Logger.log('campaignsToOmit = 0');
    var keywordIterator = AdWordsApp
    .withCondition("CampaignStatus = ENABLED")
    .withCondition("AdvertisingChannelType = SEARCH")
    .withCondition("AdGroupStatus = ENABLED")
    .withCondition("Status = ENABLED")
    .withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS_NONE [ '" + TRIPLE_MATCH_LABEL + "' ]")
  } else {
    Logger.log('campaignsToOmit > 1');
    var keywordIterator = AdWordsApp
    .withCondition("CampaignStatus = ENABLED")
    .withCondition("CampaignId NOT_IN [" + campaignsToOmit.join(",") + "]")
    .withCondition("AdvertisingChannelType = SEARCH")
    .withCondition("AdGroupStatus = ENABLED")
    .withCondition("Status = ENABLED")
    .withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS_NONE [ '" + TRIPLE_MATCH_LABEL + "' ]")
  Logger.log('marking ad groups for processing');
  var adGroupsToProcess = [];
  // Loop through all keywords  
  while( keywordIterator.hasNext() ){
    // Get the keyword
    var keyword =;
    // Get the keyword's adGroup ID
    var adGroupID = keyword.getAdGroup().getId();
    //Logger.log('account name: ' + AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getName() + ' | campaign name: ' + keyword.getCampaign().getName() );
    // Look if the adGroup already is marked,
    // if not, mark it and add it to the process list.
    if (adGroupsToProcess.indexOf(adGroupID) == -1){

// Process all marked adGroups
function goThroughEachAdGroup(){
  // Logger.log('getting ad group iterator');
  // Select all ad groups that are labeled for processing
  var adGroupIterator = AdWordsApp
  .withCondition("Status = ENABLED")
  .withCondition("CampaignStatus = ENABLED")
  .withCondition("AdvertisingChannelType = SEARCH")
  .withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS_ANY ['" + TRIPLE_MATCH_ADGROUP_PROCESS_LABEL + "']")
  // Loop through all adGroups
  while (adGroupIterator.hasNext()) {
    // Logger.log('');
    // Logger.log('going through each ad group');
    // Get the adGroup
    var adGroup =;
    // Process the adGroup's keywords
    // After finishing processing the adGroup remove the label
  } // end while

// Process each keyword from the adGroup
function processKeywordsFromAdGroup(adGroup){
  // Logger.log('processing keywords');
  // Create keyword arrays for each match type
  var broad_match_list  = [];
  var phrase_match_list = [];
  var exact_match_list  = [];
  // Logger.log('getting keyword iterator');
  // Get all keywords of that specific adGroup
  var keywordIterator = adGroup.keywords()
  .withCondition("Status = ENABLED")
  .withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS_NONE [ " + TRIPLE_MATCH_LABEL + " ]")
  // Logger.log('go through each keyword');
  // Iterate through the keyword list
  while (keywordIterator.hasNext()) {
    // Get the next keyword
    var keyword =;
    // Get the match type of the keyword
    var keywordMatchType = keyword.getMatchType();
    // Get a version of the keyword withough +, [] and ""
    var cleanKeywordText = cleanText(keyword.getText());
    //Logger.log('keyword text: ' + keyword.getText());
    //Logger.log('keyword match type: ' + keywordMatchType);
    // Push each keyword into its corresponding match type array
    if( keywordMatchType == 'BROAD' ){
      // it could be faster to add all duplicates into the list first and then remove them in one filter action after the while loop:
      if(broad_match_list.indexOf(cleanKeywordText) == -1 ){
    } else if ( keywordMatchType == 'PHRASE' ){
      if(phrase_match_list.indexOf(cleanKeywordText) == -1 ){
    } else {
      if(exact_match_list.indexOf(cleanKeywordText) == -1 ){
    //Logger.log('keyword text: ' + keyword.getText());
    //Logger.log('campaign: ' + keyword.getCampaign().getName() + ' | ad group: ' + keyword.getAdGroup().getName() + ' | match type: ' + keyword.getMatchType() + ' | text: ' + keyword.getText());
    // Mark the keyword as processed
  } // end while
  // Logger.log('');
  // Logger.log('print broad_match_list');
  // showList(broad_match_list);
  // Logger.log('');
  // Logger.log('print phrase_match_list');
  // showList(phrase_match_list);
  // Logger.log('');
  // Logger.log('print exact_match_list');
  // showList(exact_match_list);
  // Go through each list, find out if the same keyword is also one of the other match types, 
  // if not, create the keyword, if yes, delete it from the list. Then delete the keyword from the current list.
  var updatedLists;
  updatedLists = tripleMatchMagic(adGroup, broad_match_list, phrase_match_list, 'PHRASE', exact_match_list, 'EXACT');
  broad_match_list  = updatedLists[0];
  phrase_match_list = updatedLists[1];
  exact_match_list  = updatedLists[2];
  updatedLists = tripleMatchMagic(adGroup, phrase_match_list, exact_match_list, 'EXACT', broad_match_list, 'BROAD');
  phrase_match_list = updatedLists[0];
  exact_match_list  = updatedLists[1];
  broad_match_list  = updatedLists[2];
  updatedLists = tripleMatchMagic(adGroup, exact_match_list, broad_match_list, 'BROAD', phrase_match_list, 'PHRASE');

// Add labels to new keywords
// This is sperated into an operations list for performance reasons
function addLabelsToNewKeywords(){
  // Logger.log('keywordOperations.length: ' + keywordOperations.length);
  // Loop through all keywordOperations and add a label
  for (var i = keywordOperations.length - 1; i > -1; i-- ) {
    var newKeyword = keywordOperations[i].getResult();

// This is the magic function that finds all missing keyword match types efficiently
// and creates new ones if necessary
function tripleMatchMagic(adGroup, a, b, bb, c, cc){
  //Logger.log('text in: ' + a[0]);
  for( i = a.length - 1; i > -1; i--){
    var indexOnBlist = b.indexOf(a[0]);
    if( indexOnBlist > -1 ){
      b.splice(indexOnBlist, 1);
    } else {
      createNewKeyword(adGroup, a[0], bb);
    var indexOnClist = c.indexOf(a[0]);
    if( indexOnClist > -1 ){
      c.splice(indexOnClist, 1);
    } else {
      createNewKeyword(adGroup, a[0], cc);
    // Since this keyword now has been processed in all lists
    // we can delete it from this one too.
  } // end of index list loop
  var updatedLists = [a, b, c];
  return updatedLists;

// Create the new keyword
function createNewKeyword(adGroup, keywordText, matchType){
    // Logger.log('keywordText before modification: ' + keywordText);
    // Merge the keywordText with the match type operators
    keywordText = combineKeywordTextAndMatchType(keywordText, matchType);
    // Logger.log('keywordText to be created: ' + keywordText);
  //Only create the keyword if it is less than, or equal to, 80 charachters
  if( keywordText.length <= 80 ){
    // Build the new keyword
    var keywordOperation = adGroup.newKeywordBuilder()
    // Push the keyword operation into an array
    // We will use it to a add labels to all of them
  } // end if

// Change the broad match keyword into a modified broad match keyword
function combineKeywordTextAndMatchType(keywordText, matchType){
  if( matchType == 'BROAD'){
    // add a plus at the beginning of the keyword
    keywordText = "+" + keywordText;
    // change all spaces into space_pluses
    keywordText = keywordText.replace(/ /g, " +");
  } else if (matchType == 'PHRASE'){
    // Add the quotes for phrase match
    keywordText = "\"" + keywordText + "\"";
  } else {
    // Add the square brackets for exact match
    keywordText = "[" + keywordText + "]";
  } // end if
  return keywordText;

// Print the list
// This is a debugging function
function showList(listArray){
  for ( i = listArray.length - 1; i > -1; i-- ){

// Remove all match type operators from the keyword
function cleanText(keywordText){
  //Logger.log("TextToFix = " + keywordText);
  var cleanKeywordText;
  // replace all pluses with spaces
  cleanKeywordText = keywordText.replace(/\+/g, " "); 
  // replace all left square brackets with nothing
  cleanKeywordText = cleanKeywordText.replace(/\[/g, "");
  // replace all right square brackets with nothing
  cleanKeywordText = cleanKeywordText.replace(/\]/g, "");
  // replace all quotes with nothing
  cleanKeywordText = cleanKeywordText.replace(/\"/g, "");
  // replace all multiple spaces with a single space
  cleanKeywordText = cleanKeywordText.replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ');; 
  // remove all spaces in front of the keyword
  cleanKeywordText = cleanKeywordText.replace(/^ /g, ""); 
  // remove all spaces at the end of the keyword
  cleanKeywordText = cleanKeywordText.replace(/ $/g, ""); 
  // Logger.log("cleaned text:  " + cleanKeywordText);
  return cleanKeywordText;

// Check if the label exists in the account.
// If not, create it
function checkLabel(label_to_check) {
  // Logger.log("check if label exists");
  // Get a list of all labels with the set label name
  var labelIterator = AdWordsApp.labels()
      .withCondition('Name = ' + label_to_check)
  // Logger.log( " = " + labelIterator.totalNumEntities());
  // Check if the label name is in the list
  if ( labelIterator.totalNumEntities() == 0 ) {
    return false;
  } else {
    return true;

// Create the label
function createLabel(label_to_create){
  // Logger.log("creating label: " + label_to_create);
  // Logger.log("label created");

// Remove a label
function removeTheLabel(labelToRemove){
  var labelIterator = AdWordsApp.labels()
  .withCondition("Name CONTAINS '" + labelToRemove + "'")

 while (labelIterator.hasNext()) {
   var label =;
   // Logger.log('');
   // Logger.log('removing label: ' + label.getName());
Show whole script!
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